chapter 42

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(I advise my readers to play lights down low as you read this)

Heiji pov
I looked myself at the  mirror today was the day.
I was finally getting married.

After all the pain and hardships, I was finally getting married.

Getting married doesn't mean, I'm making a new. It means I'm going to be having a permanent home.

Now I don't have to need keep on dreaming and crying for a home. I've waited patiently and found it, I can say I'm  happy with my life now.

I smiled at myself as I saw myself in the mirror.

I just smiled, a real smile this time.

I remembered the day namjoon took me in, I barely smiled. Now I'm smiling and it's real.

I then heard a small knock on the door.

(Change your music to 'painkiller' by ruel)


I then turned around and saw taehyung.

I the smiled brightly at him, and he stared at me. I was quickly confused, maybe he's still moving on with his feelings for me.

"Tae?" I said smiling

He then blinked his eyes looking at me smiling.

Taehyung pov.

I knocked at her door and went in, I looked at her as she was stunningly beautiful.

I felt my whole world crash, pain crushing my heart. That was suppose to be me waiting for her outside this room

It's suppose to be me to leave her for this lifetime.

I could feel the clutching pain in my chest as I saw her eyes on me.

"Tae?" She said softly.

I blinked away the tears and looked at her.

"You look pretty." I told her smiling softly.

My heart was piercing painful already, why can't I look at her? Is it because of the guilt that I was losing her?

"Aww thank you, it's nice hearing it from my best friend." She said winking at me.

The word friend made my heart pierce more making everything ache.

Her charm was still my weakness.

"Mind walking me down the aisle?" She asked me.

My heart gave In and broke.

"Aish, I can't do that. You should feel the excitement as you walk down."

Me and mai had a plan to object the wedding actually.

"You think?" She asked me pouting.

"Yeah." I agreed.

She then turned around once more to check herself in the mirror.

We heard another knock and a man came in, it was yoongi.

Yoongi smiled and came in.

"Y/n." He said walk to her, handing her a gift with a letter.

"From namjoon." He winked at her.

"Aww, wait give him this." She said love in her eyes. Even with just the things namjoon give to her she looks at it lovingly.

Not even once has she looked at me love in her eyes.

"Here."she said, handing over her gift. "Thanks yoongi." She smiled.

"Of course, now I can atleast see namjoon smile again." He then took a glance at me and left.

"Tae, I'm going to go freshen up. Can you um.."she said telling me to leave indirectly.

"Oh ugh sure. I'll leave, biggest blessings to the both of you."

I left the room closing the door behind me, my thoughts then traveled to mai.

I must have left her heart broken.


Flash back.

"Tae..." She said weakly

She was drunk already at my penthouse.

"Your drunk." I said simply. "Come on." I said going to her side.

"I'm willing to be your rebound." She said chuckling.

I then paused in place and made her face me.

"Let's just stop all this nonsense and be together." She said cupping my face

"You must be crazy if you think I want to be with you." I said harshly.

I wanted y/n, I needed y/n, she's the one for me. Is she?

"It's because of her isn't it?" She said frowning.

"Yeah, that's the plan remember." I told her.

"But I'm willing to make *hiccup* a new life with you." She said pulling my arm.

Making me stumble on top of her.

Something flashed, like I felt flustered at that moment.

I then sat up immediately.

"I told you already I don't like you, your a big flirt." I said denying my feelings for her

"People can change." She said tears welling up in her eyes.

"Not you." I stood up.

I've got my eyes on the prize darling.

To be continued

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