chapter 6

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"does it still hurt?" I asked him.

"I... Um, I - well" he stuttered.

I chuckled at him, he just looked at me and laughed too.

"Well we should get to the party I bet everyone's already there." I stood up.

I started to walk but turned around.

"Aren't you coming?"I asked him.

His face lit up showing a boxy smile.


We walked together back to the garden, I saw other people there.

"Oh y/n your back," Namjoon said.

"Namjoon hyung I need to talk to you,"  Taehyung said.

"Ok?" He said unsure.

"Stay here y/n I'll be right back," Namjoon told me.

I nodded and watched him and taehyung drift away.

"So... Y/n right?"

I looked at where the voice came from. It was a smaller guy than yoongi maybe one centimeter smaller.

"Hi." I greeted him.

"You the one that namjoon bought." He said looking at me up and down.

"Excuse me," I said walking away. But he grabbed my wrist.

"No, I didn't mean to say it like that you're just hot." He said

I looked at him disgusted.

"No no I mean, I um your just really pretty and he's really lucky to buy someone like you." He said shyly.

"Thanks," I said

was I supposed to feel welcomed by what he said?

"So when's your birthday?"

"Well... B/d." I said

"Oh that's around the corner already, what gift do you want?"

"Jimin cut it out you're scaring her," Jin said coming towards us.

"Hyung!" Jimin exclaimed.

He has the same name as my Dad...

Namjoon pov

"Hyung how much did you buy her?''

"350 million dollars, why did you ask?" I asked him

"I'll pay you double." He said.

"What no, I'm not selling her." I denied him

"What please Hyung!" He insisted.

"Y/n is not for sale taehyung," I growled.

"Why not Hyung...." He whined which made me annoyed.

"Go buy your own human ." I walked away from him.

"Hyung! Please." He begged.

I Walked Away, I felt like I was going to kill him. But I head to maintain myself, he's my friend.

Y/n pov

Turned around to see namjoon walking back here.

"Jimin glad you could make it." He said hugging jimin.

"Of course Hyung I wouldn't want to miss yumi's birthday." He smiled

"Speaking of yumi there she is," Jin said.

Yumi walked down with Maya and Kaya they looked really pretty.

Everything happened smoothly they, played some games and we sang yumi a happy birthday.

I and taehyung sat beside each other, for we were about to eat.

"Y/n sit over here." I heard namjoon called out my name.

I looked at him before standing up, leaving taehyung pouting.

I sat on namjoons right and on my left was Jin.

They talked while I just ate, as I finished I stood up.

"Where are you going?" Namjoon asked.

"Just for a walk," I stated.

"Ok then be careful take yumi with you." he ordered

"Ok, let's go yumi," I called her.

"Oh ok, bye bye Kaya and Maya unnie." She bid her friend's goodbye.

"Bye-bye," they said.

I and yumi walked back together.

"So have you seen your father's surprise yet?" I asked her.

"No daddy said later tonight when everyone's away." She said skipping happily.

"Did you enjoy today?" I asked her.

"Yes a lot, daddy usually doesn't come to my birthdays, he's always busy." She explained.

"Oh, I see."

So all her birthdays, she didn't have her father or her mother. It was very depressing to hear that.

"Oh, look we're here." She said looking up at her bedroom door.

We got inside and I cleaned yumi up putting her in relaxing clothes.

I carried her and put her on the bed.

"Unnie can I ask you something,'' she asked.

"What is it?" I said as I layed beside her.

"Are you going to be my new mommy?" She asked.

"Well... That's for your daddy to decide." I said cupping her face.

" I wish you become my new mommy, I like you very much." She said smiling at me.

I gave her a small smile before kissing her forehead.

We then heard a knock on our door.

"Come in," I yelled.

"Mrs. Y/n, Mr. Kim wants you and yumi to go in the office for yumi's surprise." Mrs lee said.

"Oh ok then." I got up as yumi did.

We walked to namjoons office.

Yumi knocked on the door before letting her in

"Come in."


To be continued

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