chapter 7

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I and yumi walked in, yumi ran to her father excited of what she got him.

" Daddy, Daddy, daddy!" She yelled in excitement.

"Kim Ayumi sit down on the chair," Namjoon said sternly.

Yumi sat down immediately smiling ear to ear.

"So you see y/n unnie?" He asked.

"Yes." She looked at me then back to namjoon.

I waved at her smiling.

"She will be your new..''

Yumi was waiting for what he had to say.


Yumi's smile faded turning into a frown.

"Babysitter?" She said unsatisfied with what namjoon said.

"But I thought she's going to be my new mommy." She whined.

Namjoon almost choked on air.

"Who said she'll be your mommy?" He asked

"No one daddy, I'm sleepy now can unnie tuck me and in?" She asked permission.

"Don't you want Daddy to tuck you in?" He pouted.

" No, I want unnie." She said pouting.

"Ok then, go to your room unnie will be there." Namjoon sighed.

Yumi walked out of the office, I looked at namjoon as he got closer.

This guy makes my heart skip a beat.

"Take care of yumi, ok?" He gave me serious look. " I'm not at home till 10 in the night so take care of her, ok?"

"Got it." I nodded

"Oh and here."

He handed me a phone it looked expensive.

"Ah what is this for?" I asked.

"When you need me just call me or text me." He said.

"Oh ok then." I looked at the phone.

Namjoon stared at me and I stared back, it felt like I needed to kiss him.

I don't know how to explain it, but I felt drawn to him for some reason. it felt good and bad at the same time, so unexplainable that I don't even want to let my mind explain it to myself

I stared at his lips and he looked at where I was looking at.

"Baby girl I know you want to kiss me but yumi's waiting for you." He teased.

"A-ah." I stuttered.

how'd he know!?

"You should go and put yumi in bed now." He said.

"Oh ah ok." I walked out.

My heart was pounding, my cheeks were a bit hot. What is this feeling? It was so weird.

I walked to yumi's room, she looked at me and smiled brightly.

"Unnie!" She yelled.

"Shhh!" I went in and left the door open.

"Unnie did you and Daddy consider my suggestion earlier?" She asked.

"What suggestion?" I asked.

"You being my mommy." She smiled brightly.

"Well no, that's for your daddy to decide," I said.

"Oh ok...I was looking forward to you being my new mommy." She sadly said.

"Don't worry maybe one day I can be your mommy just not now." I cupped her face.

"I'll look forward to that. " Her face brightened up.

"Oh come on time to sleep," I said pulling the covers over here.

"Unnie tell me a story please." She pleaded.

"Ok then, once upon a time there was a little princess named ...seyeon
She was the nicest princess in the entire world. she was loved by many but hated for her beauty. And one of the people who hated her was her sisters, for they weren't blessed with beauty the same as hers. So they set a plan to poison her, and the succeeded princess Kagami was poisoned. But a smart but not good-looking prince came to rescue her."

"Ew, he wasn't good-looking?" She asked.

"Not everyone who looks good is nice, so back to the story."

"He didn't kiss her, but he showed her the love and respect she deserved and the princess awoke." I continued. "And they got married and lived happily ever after."

"Wow... That was the best unnie, do you think I would find my prince charming?" She asked.

"Of course anyone can find their partner in life, even you." I tapped her nose.

"Good night yumi." I kissed her forehead.

"Good night unnie." She whispered closing her eye.

I stood up and saw who was at the door. Namjoon leaning on it he had a smirk on his face.

"I didn't know you were good with story's." He teased.

I just smiled at him shy of his remark on me.

I walked out of the room as he followed me.

"You should go get some sleep," Namjoon said

I looked at him who was already beside me.

"Oh ok then."

"Wait." He halted me.

He came closer to me and kissed my forehead.

am I really just your daughter's sitter? I questioned him mentally

"Good night." He whispered.

"Ah-ah good night too."
I bid him good night.

We both stood there a bit awkward. But then my body moved on its own and kissed namjoons cheek.

"what was that?" He asked.

"A-ah what?" I asked unsurely.

He chuckled lowly.

"Don't play with me y/n you might not like it."


To be continued

mafia daddy: Kim namjoon ffWhere stories live. Discover now