chapter 2

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"she's in here Mr.Kim ."

"Thank you, here's the check."

I saw them handing over some paper and business stuff I guess.

"I would like to borrow your waiting room for a moment I need to say some words to my new accessory." He looked at me

"Of course."

With that, the two men left.

I didn't look at him, I was terrified. his aura was scary and heavy, he was... Intimidating.

"Hello, I'm Kim namjoon."

His name rang a bell in my mind.

"And I bought you for a reason... I don't intend to make you a slut or any sex toy." He paused and looked around.

"What's your name?" He asked.

I Don't like my old name...
I want a new name.

"I don't have a name," I said with a low husky voice

"Well... What should I call you?" He asked.

"I don't know... Could you perhaps give me one?'' I asked.

I looked up at him finally showing my face.



We headed out of the building, into the car. I sat inside and looked down.

I felt another presence come in, I didn't bother to look.

"You must have a real habit of looking down." He teased.

"Cause that's where I'm always gonna go," I replied dryly still not looking up.

He scoffed and made a call.

"My princess, how are you?"

I took a glance at him, he looked handsome.

"Daddy's got a gift for you, we'll be home soon."

"Daddy's home!"

I shut my eyes closed remembering another painful moment...


I looked to my right, he was staring at me.

"Y-yes?" I asked

"Tell me something about yourself." He asked.

"Well..." I looked at him putting my hand on my lips.

"I used to live in Busan and I had a brother ... I think." I wasn't sure about my answer.

"Uh-huh." He gave me a confused look.

"Oh uhm I had a mom and a dad," I added

"Well... Don't we all." He chuckled.

"What do you do before you were sold?" He asked

"I wasn't sold... I sold myself." I corrected him

"Where are your parents?" He asked.

"Dead..." I said casually shrugging

"They were killed in front of me when I was I bit younger... My brother shot them.. he tried to take me with him. I ... Never mind." I gave him a painful smile.

"Hey, take it easy." He said. "I won't treat you like trash back at home."

I looked at him




I always wanted to call a place like home. I just didn't have a home.

"Ah yes... Let me continue what I was saying in the waiting room." He continued "you will be babysitting my 4-year-old daughter. You can ask me for anything you need."

"Oh ok, I love children," I said trying to sound excited.

It was silent in the car, a very awkward silence.

We then got into a private area it was like a forest, but then I saw a huge gate. It was beautiful there, my mouth had a small gap indicating I was amazed.

"You seem to like this place." He let out a small chuckle.

"It's huge and very pretty." I smiled at him.

"Well, would you like to look around maybe?" He said with a smile.

"Maybe." I looked back at him with a small smile.

we got off the car and went inside it was massive. this guy was rich, stinking rich.

"Welcome home Mr. Kim." A lady greeted us.

"Ah thank you Mrs.lee."



We had the same last name.

"Please show y/n to her room and let her get dressed. let us have lunch together after she's done." He then excused himself and walked into a room.

"Ms.Y/n please come with me." She walked upstairs to a room.

I followed behind her. She opened a door revealing a bed and everything inside a room.

I was amazed by how pretty it was.

"This is my room?" I was amazed by how nice it was.

"Yep, pretty isn't it?" She looked around.

"Here are your clothes I layed them on the bed for you." She smiled " the shower is over there if you need me just call me ok?"

"Ok thank you Mrs.lee"

She left the room, I decided to get ready.
I wore the dress that she left, it was an oversized t-shirt. I looked myself at in the mirror.

My clothes

My slippers

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My slippers

I went out of my room and walked down the stairs I saw Mrs

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I went out of my room and walked down the stairs I saw Mrs. Lee organizing something.

"Umm Mrs.lee?"

To be continued

mafia daddy: Kim namjoon ffWhere stories live. Discover now