chapter 30

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"what?" I asked, "what did you say?" I smiled like an idiot.

"Stop smiling, I can't focus." He told me while running out of the tunnel and into the forest.

I chuckled as I just relaxed in his arms.

We were able to get to his car, for some reason it was him who was driving.

He had laid me on the passenger seat beside him.

"I hope they'll be alright," I said sighing

"Oh, they'll be alright." He smirked.

"What do you know?" I chuckled at him.

"Oh, just everything." He said sneakily.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I didn't get what he said.

"Weird," I commented on him.

He just let out a laugh while driving on the highway, full of water underneath.

No cars ran, it was strange.

Not even his men were behind us, it was just... Us.

"You seem confused." He took a glance at me.

"Yeah... I really am." I said furrowing my eyebrows.

"Suddenly on my welcoming party, an ambush is happening, then you take me away and lead me to the back. Then there aren't even cars on the highway, and your men aren't even in the back..." I said thinking of everything suspicious.

"Could this be..." I said looking at him seeing a smile curve on his lips.

"A setup." I looked at him shocked with my answer.

"Aw, you got me." He said clenching his chest.

"Wae!? Jinja?! (what!? really!?)" I said facing him completely.

He just nodded with a smug look.

"Why though.." I said confused. "You haven't come for me in 5 months, why now?"

"I was taking a risk, we were in a bad shape back then. And we have been attacked by the lee clan just a few days after they took you, I was risking my men's lives. Yumi's life too." He explained.

" When I found out a month ago that lee min ho was dead, I was coming to get you. But, when I got there... You were with that guy. Hugging him, it broke my heart honestly. But when I found out from tae a week ago that he was your assistant and that you'll be taking on the clan. I had hoped you would come back to me. So that's why I had planned the whole week to get you to my residence and claim you once more." He told me.

A tear fell from my eye...

All those months I've been thinking, that he doesn't love me anymore. And that he had moved on, and that I was just the only one hanging on.

but then I remembered the girl he was with earlier this morning.

"then... then, who was the girl earlier this morning?" I asked him

"her? my cousin, she tagged along with me. I told her about you and she wanted to see you, and it was also her last day here too. She's moving to japan tomorrow." he explained

I wasn't alone after all, it broke my heart but it made me stronger.

"I hate you," I told him tears coming out.

He stopped the car on the side and looked at me.

"But I love you." He told me pulling me into a hug

"I love you to the point that I'd give all my belongings just to have you." He caressed my hair.

"Please come back to me y/n..." He told me softly letting go for me to see his face.

I went up to him and kissed him passionately.

He pulled me to his lap as I sat there.

"I missed you," I said in the middle of the kiss.

"I can tell." He chuckled

I took off his blazer and his tie.

"Let's not do this in the car." He chuckled.

"Oh uh, yeah." I let out an awkward laugh.

I was about to go back to my chair when he pulled me back to his lap.

"Just sit here, I can drive with you on my lap." He told me winking.

"Ne." I said resting my back on his chest

I loved you... Wait... I love you. Corrections.

To be continued

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