chapter 17.5

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I smiled as I watched yumi cuddle close to me

I really missed her, I'm happy she's fine.

My phone then rang all of a sudden.

I looked at the caller i.d And saw namjoons name.

I answered immediately not wanting to anger him.

Y/n: hello?
Namjoon: hello, how are you?

He called to ask if I was fine?

Y/n:I'm fine
Namjoon: how about yumi?
Y/n: she's fine too

Namjoon: why are you still awake?
Y/n: I couldn't sleep
Namjoon: do you mean you couldn't stop thinking of me?

My heart stopped, what the hell?

Namjoon: haha I'm just kidding, anyways I called to tell you that you're coming home tomorrow. Get your clothes ready, ok?


Namjoon: ok good night y/n dream of me, ok?

Y/n:u-uhm good night to, have the sweetest dreams

Shit what did I just say??

Namjoon:ok sleep well.

Then he ended the call, I couldn't help but squeal in excitement.

"Unnie?" Yumi whined.

"Yes, yumi?" My attention went to her.

"Shhh." Yumi put her hand on her lips shushing me.

I lightly chuckled and pulled her closer.

I may live with a mafia, but I'm safe with the mafia.

To be continued

(A/n: this was very short, I'm sorry. My boyfriend and I just broke up, I found out he was cheating on me. Sucks to be me am I right? Anyways I wanted to atleast post something for you guys. I'm really sorry, I guess if my bf (ex) and I didn't break up. I would have given you two whole chapters. Thanks for the support kamsa♥️)

mafia daddy: Kim namjoon ffWhere stories live. Discover now