chapter 5

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"oh I'm doing fine actually, you have a lovely home." I smiled

"You have a pretty smile you should keep on smiling." he gave me a smile, his dimples showing.

"A-h ok." I touched my cheeks.

We got to the garden I saw 3 guys, well there were other people here. but they looked like professionals, you know what I'm saying.

"Namjoon! It's good to see you, man." The guy with a sunshine smile said.

"Good to see you too.''

"So who's the girl?" The smallest among them.

"Oh her." Namjoon faced me.

The guy nodded

" Y/n could you come over here," Namjoon called me.

I walked over to him beside him.

"This is y/n, Ayumi's babysitter." He introduced me.

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you y/n, my name's hoseok." He introduced himself.

"Yoongi." The other one said.

"Hello, I'm seokjin." He gave me a heart smile.

So technically the guy with a sunshine smile was hoseok and the short guy with a cold attitude was yoongi, cute.

"It's nice to meet you too."
I bowed.

"So how much did she cost you?" Yoongi asked with a chuckle.

I was surprised by his sudden question

"E-excuse me." I excused myself.

I walked away to somewhere alone

"What's up with her?" Yoongi said.

"Is she ok?" Hoseok asked.

"I ... I don't know," Namjoon said.

"She must think you look down at her you morons."
Jin scoffed.

"Who you calling moron, Moron," Yoongi said.

"Whatever," Seokjin said.

I got out of there as soon as possible. I walked around the leafy hallway, this would be the most relaxing place in the house. I sang quietly a song that I listened to, the title was stuck with you.

When I finished at the end, I heard someone clapping. I turned around.

"You have a beautiful voice." He complimented.

"O-oh thank you." I thanked him.

"So are you a thief or a spy?" He rose his brow.

"W-what?" I asked curiously.

He took a gun out and my heart skipped a beat. What the hell is this guy doing.

"Answer the damn question," he growled.

"N-non o-of the above?" I answered.

"Then what're you doing here." He pointed the gun at me.

"A-ah Nam-Joon bought me," I answered.

He tilted his head.

"This is it? Just a girl. you're not even that beautiful."

That f-ing hurt.

"I'm sorry I didn't reach your expectations." I bowed my head.

"Nah it's fine." He withdrew his gun.

"Um... My name is y/n." I introduced myself.

"Kim taehyung." He gave a small smile.

"Oh hello, taehyung." I greeted him.

"Sup" he put his hand on the poll but he missed and fell.

"Oh my gosh, are you ok?" I ran to his side.

"What do you think?" He said sarcastically.

I helped him up to the marble chair.

I held his hand and massaged it.

"How does it feel now?" I asked him.

"A bit better."

"H-hey um." I looked at him. " I'm sorry about a while ago I was just being a jerk. I think you're really pretty actually." He whispered the last part.

I smiled at him

"It's fine... People always do that to me before." I continued to massage his hand.

I could feel taehyung staring at me.

"Does it still hurt?" I asked him

He didn't answer.

"Taehyung?" I looked up at him.

"A-ah y-yeah why'd you stopped? Keep going,'' he demanded.

"Well my hands are tired, there's something my mom would do every time something was painful." He tilted his. "Maybe I should try it."

I took the part where it was painful and then kissed it.


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