chapter 44

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Author pov

Heiji waited in her room patiently as she was going to be called soon by mrs.lee, she was going to be married today.

She smiled outside her window and admired the blue sky.  It was 3 in the afternoon and later on the contrast of the clouds with be changing.

Today was going to be a life changing day. not only for her but for her ,soon, very soon husband, namjoon.

She then heard a soft knock on her door, making her head shift to the door.

"Come in." She said standing up.

The door opened showing mrs.lee smiling while holding the bouquet that she was going to hold as she walked down the aisle.

"Mrs.heiji." she said smiling.

Mrs.lee was happy for both namjoon and heiji and she has done nothing but love the couple.

"Let me help you put on your veil." She said coming closer to heiji.

"Ahh ne." Heiji smiled softly to mrs. Lee

It was a beautiful moment as mrs. Lee put the veil on heiji.

"Here." Mrs. Lee handed the bouquet to heiji.

"Don't be too nervous." She told her softly.

"Ahh was I that obvious." She said chuckling nervously.

"It's ok dear, it's normal." Mrs. Lee told her winking.

"Shall we?" Mrs. Lee said smiling lending her hand to heiji.

Heiji nodded softly as she followed mrs. Lee.


Namjoon waited at the altar for y/n. He was feeling extremely nervous, he didn't want to mess this up. Cause this time, it's going to last forever.

He then saw two figures approaching, it was none other than the bride.

Everyone stood up as they saw y/n walk by going to the altar.

Taehyung pov.

I saw her walk down the aisle, and she looked happy

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I saw her walk down the aisle, and she looked happy. My heart seemed to... Be happy for her too.

Maybe this was just how it is, maybe she just wasn't right for me.

Maybe, someone is going to love me.


For a split second our eyes met, mines and y/ns.
She gave me a happy smile. Her eyes shimmered as she and namjoon met each other at the alter.

I couldn't help, and I'm being honest. I couldn't help but be happy for them.

The way they looked at each other was far from what me and y/n had.

This is the right thing.

Wait... Mai. She was going to crash the wedding.

My heart started to race, this beautiful moment was not going to last forever.

I need to stop her.


Author pov.

Heiji met namjoon at the alter and she smiled for him.

She truly loved him, not just because he saved her. But because he cared. He was able to give her the love and care that no one else gave.

They both looked at each other love and care in their eyes.

"Your looking beautiful mrs. Kim." He said  winking at her.

"Well your looking dashing" she said sending him a flying kiss.

They then let out a chuckle smiling at each other, nothing could express how happy they were for each other.

Then that's when they heard a...



Yoongi pov.

I looked at namjoon and heiji, they looked happy together.

But I couldnt help but feel bad for mai.

I honestly thought of mai as my younger sister.

The first chapters of her story was some what beautiful. Not until people started doing her wrong in namjoons company.

It was like she had a mouth with no voice.

Seeing the guy mai loved with someone else, made me feel guilty.

Mai was someone precious, but she let other people destroy her humanity.

And I can feel that this wedding won't turn out as expected.


To be continued

(I am very sorry, my cousin advised me to ummm. Make the chapter until 45 because, why not? Nah just kidding. She told me it would be best if I kept it till the 45th. For some reasons, so you won't be spoiled for book 2. Thank you for the love and support!)

mafia daddy: Kim namjoon ffWhere stories live. Discover now