chapter 12

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I woke up the next morning and saw namjoon beside me shirtless.

He had his pants on as I had his white t-shirt on and had my underwear in too.

We had put them on last, well this morning. It was freezing.

Namjoons arms were around me holding me close.

I then nuzzled my face in his chest, he then pulled me closer.

"Baby your awake." He said softly

I looked at him and smiled.

"Did you enjoy yourself this morning?" He grinned.

I just buried my face in his neck shyly.

"Nothing to be shy about baby, you were hot." He complimented me

"Ermm thank you?"
I said unsure

He then kissed my forehead.

"You did wonderful this morning." He pulled me closer.

I wrapped my arms around his neck.

We then heard a soft knock on the door. He didn't even look up or cared to answer it.

Another knock but it was louder. He shut his eyes closed, I could tell he was getting annoyed.

Then another knock, he let me go.

"Wait here ok, I have something to do. Don't go

I nodded and saw him leave the room. I then sighed what a messy morning.

Namjoon pov

I went downstairs while putting a shirt on. Some of my men guarding my side as we went downstairs, under the manor.

"Sir sorry to disturb you but-"

"What is it now," Namjoon growled not wanting to deal with today's shit.

"We have found a sighting of Lee min ho."
The man spoke.

The room went silent.

"Where was this sighting?" Namjoon asked.

"Hawaii sir." He stated

"Didn't his men said he was in China going to Europe?" He gave a confused look

"Yes, sir he is on his way to Europe he dropped by Hawaii." He said

"When was this sighting?"

"30 minutes ago."

"Send 12 spies there, and get the USB" Namjoon ordered.

The man nodded.

"Don't harm him. I need him alive for y/n."


"What is it you want me to see?"I asked confused.

Namjoon blindfolded me, he wanted to bring me somewhere.I don't know.

"It's a surprise." He said I could feel him grinning.

We then came to a halt

"Wait here, when I say go you can take it off." He said going away from me.

Well as you can see I'm wearing a nice floral dress. I'll just show you.

 I'll just show you

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"Go." And with that, I took the sleeping mask off.

I looked around me and my eyes felt like crying.

This was so beautiful, a bookworm like me would love this.

I spun slowly around the place as the books surrounded me. I stopped in front of namjoon who was staring at me with his hands in his pockets.

It felt like beauty and the beast.

My face softened to see his cute dimple smile.

"I'm speechless," I told him.

"Isn't that good?" he chuckled.

I bowed my head and brought it up again smiling widely.

" I can't wait to read all of these," I said happily.

"You can spend some time here now, I'll make us some tea or if you'd like some coffee." He went closer to me.

"Coffee would be lovely," I said smiling.

Before he left me he kissed my forehead, sending an aroma of butterflies in my stomach.

Namjoon then left the room leaving me to explore the beautiful library that filled my heart.

Namjoon pov.

As I walked out of the library, I made an order to food panda for two coffees.

I don't know how to make coffee not tea.

I then made my order and waited in the kitchen, so if y/n ever went out of there which I think she won't she'll see me here pretending to make coffee.

20 minutes passed and I heard my men get the door. I heard footsteps come in as he brought in the small cake, cookies, and coffee.

I fixed it in a tray, of course, I put the coffees in a cup and the cake and cookie on a plate. And with that, I made my way to my y/n


To be continued

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