chapter 45 last chapter?

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Heiji pov.

We heard a sound of a helicopter approaching and a woman showed out of the door holding a gun.

Me and namjoon were surprised, shocked at the most.

She smiled wickedly as she started shooting some of the guests.

Some had already went in and got shelter from the attack.

Namjoon gripped on my hand and looked at yoongi and hoseok.

"Get in already, I've signaled back up!" Yoongi yelled at us.

Namjoon nodded and pulled me with him.

We went inside the manor and quickly ran to the library.

Namjoon went in and locked the door, he looked for a gun around the library. I watched him look for it, I could feel tears running down my eyes.

Everything was happening so fast, my heart was racing. I was overthinking that we won't be able to make it alive. That I'd lose everything...

Wait yumi! Yumi isn't with us. My heart started to pound more. My daughter isn't with us maybe she could have been shot or even worse!  Kidnapped.

I looked at namjoon, he was still looking for a gun. And with no luck he found nothing.

He looked at me and his eyes softened.

"Y/n.."he said coming towards me and then hugging me.

I hugged him back, I then felt a bit more safer.

"I know this is not the right time, but if we don't make it out alive. I'd like to tell you my vows." Namjoon said chuckling hugging me tighter.

I then started to sob even more.

This was breaking my heart.

"To my y/n.

I promise to keep you safe, to love and cherish you.
I promise to not make you cry anymore and to keep on working hard for you.
I promise to give you time and to put you first. And I can't fulfill any of your wishes and needs in this lifetime, I promise to do it in our next. Poor or rich I will still love you."

I then looked up to see namjoons face, he was also tearing up. Our situation right now was hopeless and we both knew that.

"I love you heiji." He said smiling at me.

"I love you-"

And then the window of the library smashed down.

It was her... The woman who destroyed our happiness.

Author pov

"You.." mai said holding out her gun.

"You took everything away from me." Mai gripped on the handle of the gun

Namjoon then went infront of heiji covering her.

"Don't do this mai." Namjoon said shaking his  head.

"Shut up!" She yelled at him.

"We don't need to fight like this." Namjoon said going closer to mai

She kept her posture still not moving.

"We can talk this out.." namjoon said softly.

"No we can't!" She yelled making namjoon and heiji flinch. "She has to die... Then... Then we can go back to our normal lives." She said tears coming out of her eyes.

"No one needs to die." He said coming to her.

"Look at yourself and think calmly, is this what I really want. To see the people I love hurting." Namjoon said coming closer.

mafia daddy: Kim namjoon ffWhere stories live. Discover now