chapter 22

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Namjoon pov

I walked away from y/n and yumi, I went downstairs to the place where i worked.

"Ji-soo." I called out to my right-hand man.

"Yes sir?" He came to me.

"The woman that came here... Look her up. How was she able to get here, she doesn't even know how y/n sold herself." I ordered.

"Yes sir." he then bowed and then went away.

I sat on my desk, thinking who the hell that woman really was.

I was frustrated already, I needed some time to breathe.

I then thought of y/n.


I've noticed I've been falling for her.

Real bad.

Damn it, get yourself together joon.

Her cute smile.

Shut it!

Her beautiful hazel brown-

For fucks sake!

"I'm stuck with you," I told her indirectly, I smiled and laughed like a fool.

Damn... I'm in love.

It's been about 30 minutes and I saw Ji-soo come in.

"Sir." He bowed.

"Ji-soo, what is it?" I asked.

"The lady you asked for, she's y/ns foster mother." He told me what I already knew. "She currently lives in Seoul after the disappearance of y/n."

"Anything suspicious?" I asked

"Well." He chuckled.

"She's our key in finding lee min hoo."

I then stood up, finally.

"She was paid by lee min hoo to take care of y/n. Lee min hoo made a wrong move." Ji-soo chuckled.

Finally, after so many years. I'll get to kill that bastard, that bastard who stole my wife. What a coward, he didn't even show his face damn it.

"Thank you Ji-soo, call for a meeting tomorrow. We're going to plan our next step to Victory." I told him. " Tell yoongi Hyung and hoseok Hyung, we'll be needing their support."

"Yes sir." He bowed and left the room.

Y/n pov

"Tada." I unblinded yumi.

"What is this unnie?" She looked at me.

"We're going to bake!" I said smiling.

"Like a cake? Don't chefs only do that." She pouted.

"We can also do that, and not only chefs do that but bakers!" I said trying to sound cheerful

She didn't look happy one bit.

"We can also put strawberries and use pink frosting." I tried sounding convincing

Her lips curled into a small smile.

"Ok unnie, oh and what's frosting?" She asked.

"That's the top layer of the cupcake," I told her

"Mrs. Y/n." The house chef came to us.

"Yes?" I asked smiling.

"Do you need any help?" She asked.

"Aniyo, thank you ajumma." I smiled.

And then she bowed and left the kitchen.

"Ok let's start."

We enjoyed baking together as we mixed the flour and the eggs.

We enjoyed it as we played with the frost putting it on each other's faces.

"Unnie!" She yelled as I put some on her face


The sound of the oven maid when our cupcakes finished.

I then put on my mittens and went to get them.

I placed it on the counter and I and yumi took a big smell on it.

We then looked at each other smiling.

We then started putting our frost on the cupcakes and let it chill in the ref for about 15 minutes.

And then we heard footsteps coming, we looked at the approaching figure.

It was namjoon.

He then looked at us confused.

Yumi ran up to him hugging his legs.

"Daddy!" She said cheerfully

"What happened to you?" He asked chuckling, he picked her up laughing.

"Me and unnie we're making cupcakes." She said happily.

"I made a unicorn too." She smiled.

"That's good." He smiled.

"I have to go change and take a shower." She said pouting. "My bodies getting icky."

I glanced at namjoon and yumi, they were happy.

"Icky? Or do you mean sticky?" He chuckled.

"Sticky!" She laughed.

Namjoon then put her down

"Ok, you go get cleaned," Namjoon said ruffling her hair.

"Daddy!" She said pushing his big hands off her head.

"Come on unnie." Yumi called me

"Ok, I'll be there with you," I told her.

She then went ahead of me as I walked going to her about to pass namjoon.

I was about to pass him when he grabbed my wrist.

I stepped back looking at him.

"Namjoon-ah, I have to-"

He cut me off by kissing me, he put his hands on my cheek.

I was taken by surprise.

He then let go and left.

He went away leaving me In shock.

I turned around looking at where he walked away too.

I then went after him in the corridor pulling his arm making him face me.

He then looked at me confused, I then reached up to him and kissed him.

I then pulled away and looked into his eyes.

He smirked and pushed me against the wall.

"Daddy!" Yumi yelled.

Making both of us look at her.

"Your hurting unnie again." She said frowning trying not to cry.

"No, baby. That's not the case-" namjoon tried explaining but yumi started pulling my hand

"Come on unnie." She sniffed. "I'll save you."

But then I felt someone grab my other arm.

"She's mine," Namjoon said possessively.

"Daddy let go! She's my baby sitter!" Yumi yelled trying to take me with her

"She's my person." He said sternly.

To be continued

(A/n: y'all I'm back to being single. I was supposed to publish yesterday, but it didn't publish. Peace y'all.

This whole week I am moving on, my love life is complicated as heck.

And I recently cut my hair, I cut my hair. And then had it fixed.

Lol, thanks again for the support and love. Mwah!)

P.s check out my jimin and  jungkook ff I'm sure you might love it. Mwah!

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