chapter 19

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We we're on our way home, finally going home.

I looked to my side to see yumi sleeping peacefully on namjoons lap.

He looked handsome even with just a side view look.

His jawline going down to his neck.

I suddenly remembered our hot encounter making me blush and flustered.

How he whispered sweet phrases to my ear, the pleasure he gave.

Damn, I was in a full trance.

I was such in a deep trance, I didn't notice namjoon looking back at me.

"You really like staring at me, at least now I know your new hobby." He chuckled.

"Oh uh, I'm sorry." I picked myself together.

What the heck were you doing!?

I cursed at myself.

Looking at your boyfriend my mind spat back.

I then took a deep sigh.

"We're you thinking of how you felt under me?" He asked boldly.

"W-what?" I asked confused

"How we had sex with each other, sexy encounter?" He looked at me.

"How could you talk about that so boldly?" I asked him flustered.

"You we're thinking of it anyways." He muttered.

"Yah!" I scolded him.

"I'm your boyfriend it's normal for us to talk about that." He looked at me intensely.

And that made me shut up.

Since when did we get in a relationship? I don't recall being in one with him?

"Since when was I your girlfriend?" I scoffed.

"The day I took you to my home." He said back.

"Now don't even get all sassy with me, or I'll have to punish you tonight. Well... I'm gonna eat you up tonight anyway." He looked back out the window.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I asked irritated

I saw his lips twitched trying not to smile.

"I'm gonna fuck you tonight."


I was in my room using my phone, all I did was watch.

I had already tuck yumi in bed and she was sleeping soundly.

The room was dark and I like it that way.

I then heard my door open, somehow I didn't get scared.

Maybe it's because I knew who it was.

"You're still awake." The guy said getting under the covers with me.

"And your in my room." I didn't dare look at him.

"Since when did you get an attitude?" He asked back.

"Look namjoon-"

He didn't let me finish and slammed his lips on mine.

I kissed back sitting on his lap.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands traveled to my butt.

He took off his shirt in the middle of the kiss and got on top of me.

He aimed for my neck and continued to kiss down to my chest.

"N-Nam-Joon." I moaned his name.

"The d-door,"  I warned him.

"Don't worry baby, I'll kill anyone who dares to Interrupt me from eating you." And he went back at my neck.

I couldn't help but bite my lips, I didn't want to scream. Yumi was home.

"Why aren't you moaning for me?" He asked confused

"Yumi's in the other room." I excused myself.

"The walls are thick, I'm sure she won't hear us." He reassured me.

"Now spread your legs, I'm hungry." He ordered.

And with that our night went on, he amused and pleased me well. I loved every moment of it.

His touch filled me, namjoon filled the void in my heart.

I don't care anymore if he's a mafia leader, he's someone I love and I'll accept for who he is. The same way he accepted me for who I am.


(A/n: hello guys! I saw the comments on chapter 18. I just wanna say thank you for your concerns and I have some news about my life. Me and my boyfriend got back together, I know I might seem foolish but I love him. He promised to not do it again, and if he does I'm through with him. Thank you all again for reading♥️)

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