chapter 31

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Heiji pov

I woke up the next morning, tired of course.

I looked beside me to see a sleeping namjoon.

I was in his black t-shirt, last night was pretty heated.

I looked at his facial features as he slept peacefully.

I continued to look down to his neck to see a few bite marks.

"Serves you right," I mumbled laughing to myself

"Yah namjoon-ah."I shook him.

"Wake up." I continued to shake him.

"Hmm." He said tiredly.

"Get up." Told him.

"Five minutes." He told me.

I rolled my eyes, and kicked him almost making him fall down.

"Ok, I'm up!" He said irritated sitting up.

I then laughed at him and jumped into his arms. I snuggled my face into his neck, wrapping my arms around it bringing him closer.

"You woke me up just to cuddle with me?" He said confused.

"Aniyo, I have to go home. Before my assistant thinks it's a setup." I told him sadly.

"I wish you could stay here forever," he told me.

I fixed myself on his lap moving away from his neck to see his face.

"Me too," I told him.

We just stared at each other as I played with his messy hair.

"Why don't you marry me?" He asked.

"What?" I said shocked.

"If you marry me, we can merge our clans. And then we both can be together, what do you think?" He asked me.

To be honest, it wasn't a bad idea. I mean I love him he loves me, and that's all that matters to me

"Give me a proper proposal and I'll give you an answer," I told him kissing his nose.

"Aish, you're on." He said smirking. "I'm the king of romance, I can do anything."


I was at home, doing my work.

"Mrs. Heiji, you've got a meeting with the Kim clan." My assistant said coming into my room.

"Kim taehyung or..." I said hinting at the name of the clan leader.

"Kim Namjoon, and also... Kim taehyung had recently changed their clan name." He told me.

"What's the name?" I asked him.

"Flying alien." He told me.

I tried to hold in my laughter as I heard those words.

"I heard he was drunk when he decided to change it." He told me trying to hold in his laughter.

"Aigo, he hasn't visited me in a while. I wonder what's up with him." I told myself.

"Anyways, what time is the meeting?" I asked him

"Umm, 3 pm." He told me

"Ok then." I smiled.

I watched at nam joo hyun left the room.

I then sighed heavily.

"So much work," I said in my mind, I was fucking tired.

I then heard loud bangs outside my office doors, I furrowed my eyebrows wondering what was going on.

I then heard yelling and started to get confused.

I got under my desk and got my gun.

I filled it up with 12 bullets.

"That should be enough," I told myself.

The door then slammed open, I waited for the predator to come closer.

"Heiji?" I heard taehyung call out.

I then looked up from my desk to see taehyung.

"WAe? Why are you under your desk?" He asked me.

"I thought I heard-"

"Aish that's nothing, I came here to invite you for lunch." He said smiling.

"Ahh lunch sounds great, why don't we get going then." I tried getting out.

Taehyung then chuckled giving me a hand.

I then stood up and almost tripped but taehyung held me.

His hand on my waist and the other holding my hand upright.

I was leaning too much on his chest, I then looked up to his face.

His eyes met mine..

"T-taehyung-sii." I pulled back standing upright.

"A-ahh I'm sorry, let's go get dinner." He said a bit flustered.

"You mean lunch." I giggled at his mistake.

"A-ah yeah, right. Lunch." He told me.

We walked out of the building, I went into his car as he opened the door for me.

"By the way tae, me and namjoon are talking again," I said smiling brightly

"Eh?" He looked at me.

"Me and namjoon are together again," I told him.

"A-ah? Really. That's good then." He said looking away.

" jinajaaaa? arent you happy for us?" I asked him, as I grabbed his arm.

"I'm happy for you, really am." He said smiling.

I sighed with relief, my best friend is happy for us.

"Thank you tata," I told him chuckling.

"Yeah.." he said back.


To be continued

mafia daddy: Kim namjoon ffWhere stories live. Discover now