chapter 34

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"well I don't!" Heiji shouted.

"I chose him because of a special reason tae." I told him.

"What is it?! Tell me!?" He demanded.

"He cared tae!" I yelled at him.

"He cared, he cared about me." I told him.

"But You need me!" He came closer to me tears running down

"But I love him." I told smiling.

"Your making a mistake.." he shook his head.

"I won't regret it then." I smiled softly at him.

"How could you do this to me!? While you were with me you thought of him? You didnt... You didn't even think about me." He said more tears coming out.

"Tae..." I said softly.

"You better make sure you don't regret this lee heiji. "

And with that he went to the table, took his gun and left.

I then let out a huge sigh.

"I'm sorry taehyung-ah, If Im being selfish." I whispered only a voice I could hear.

I sat down on the carpet of my living room and then realized.

"My best friend liked me this whole time." I said a tear coming down.

"Mrs. Lee!"

I just sat there, thinking of the good deeds taehyung has done to me.

"Mrs. Lee, are you ok!? Are you hurt." He asked me going to my side.

"Ani... Just my pride." I told him bowing down.

"Mrs. Lee, the kim clan has just declared war on us."

"Oh." I said nodding

"What should we do? They are our most trusted ally. Should I appoint a meeting or..." He then looked at me suddenly.

"Aniyo, that's what he wants. Give my fianceé a call, I have a bad feeling about our wedding day." I told nam joo hyun. "Tell him to come here immediately, and see if there are any available appointments to see the jung and the min clan."

"Ne." He then bowed and got up to make the calls.

I then stood up to get ready


It's been 26 minutes and I went downstairs in my outfit.

I wore this:

"Nam joo hyun

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"Nam joo hyun." I called out as I went downstairs.

"Yes mrs.lee?" He went to me.

"Where is namjoon?" I asked him.

"He's on the way, and mr. Min and mr. Jung are available at 3 in the afternoon. I have already made an appointment for you to meet them." He told me.

"Good, it's almost 3, ready a car for us to leave." I told him.

He then bowed and went away.

I then sat on the couch, feeling exhausted.

I am tired, I need rest.

But I can't rest.

I looked at the ceiling and
Rested my head.

"Y/n."  I heard my fianceé call out.

I looked at him as he came to me and sat beside me.

"Are you ok? Did taehyung hurt you?"he asked.

"Aniyo.." I then slowly put my arms around his neck.

"Wha..what's wrong?" He asked me putting his arms around my waist hugging me back.

"Namjoon-ah..." I said softly. "So many things have happened, in a blink of my eye I remembered how I sold myself. Until now, I don't know if I made the right decision or the wrong one. After everything that's happened, after all my tears and smiles. I still don't know... Is this a bad sign of lack of wisdom or am I still waiting till the end?" I asked him.

"It's not... Its going to be ok y/n. Cause I'll be here, me and yumi... Will be here. Will take care of you, and we'll help you know if you made a right decision or a wrong one." He encouraged me.

"I love you namjoon, I love you so much." I told him kissing his cheek.

"I love you too, and I'll do everything to take care of you. My y/n." He then pulled away to kiss my forehead.

"Don't worry too much about tae, jimin and jungkook can calm him down." He said patting my head.

I then nodded smiling at him.

"Aish, we should go now. Come on." He stood up reaching his hand out towards me

I then remembered the day he reached out his hand towards me, the way he welcomed me with open arms. The way he made sure I was ok, there were so many reasons for me to love him.


I then got up entangling my hands with his, and we got out of my house to our appointment with yoongi and hoseok.


"So tae has been liking you and supported you because he liked you?" Yoongi asked me.

"Ne." I nodded.

"Classic tae." Hoseok said shaking his head

"He thinks just because he's been there for you, you'll love him back. Thats not how love works." Hoseok shook his head.

"Love isn't some kind of charity work." Yoongi sighed.

"What else did he do?" Yoongi asked me

"He declared war with me-"

"HE DID WHAT?!" yoongi and hoseok asked.

"He declared-"

"Joon, tae is serious about heiji." Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows at him

"I can see that." Namjoon raised his brow.

"Tae's got guts." Hoseok said

"So what do you want us to do?" Yoongi asked.

"Well..." I started.


"What? We can't just talk taehyung out." Hoseok said

"Either we talk him out, or we also declare war on him. He'll be on a white flag on that cause he'll know he'll be defeated." Yoongi said.

"But what if..." Hoseok started.

"What if?" Namjoon asked

"What if he calls on the song clan?" Hoseok brought up.

"Impossible." Namjoon said.

"Wait just think of it." Hoseok told them. "After your separation, tae has still been close with her. Just maybe, maybe he might use her to his advantage." Hoseok theorized

"Ummm guys? I asked them.

They then looked at me

"Whose the song clan?" I asked

"Namjoons ex."


To be continued

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