chapter 26

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I walked down the haul way, people fussing over me.

It's been 5 months since I've seen namjoon and yumi.

"Mrs. Heiji, please tell us about your connection with the former clan leader Mr. Lee min ho."
The reporters asked.

I turned around to face all of them, they all then took a step back giving me space.

"Well, that..." I started. "Story is for another time, thank you."  I left the press dumbfounded and went inside the conference room, to be formally and officially announced as the new leader of the Lee clan.

I walked in, in my suit hair tied up nicely wearing my black shades.

"Mrs. Heiji, please follow me." The guy who trained me and has been my friend since day one called out.

His name's nam joo hyun
My Trainor
My friend
And my assistant.

"Thank you, Mr. Nam." I bowed following him.

The announcement went smoothly, I had no doubts and no fears anymore.

It's like, I don't care anymore about what my identity is. Slave or leader, I'm still human.

After the formal announcement, many people came to my side to greet me as the official leader of the Lee clan.

I smiled and bowed and thanked them. I felt happy now that I felt needed.

I looked up feeling a cold stare piercing through my heart eagerly.

And that's when my eyes caught someone, he stood there looking at me.

I looked back at him shocked.

The same person with those dragon eyes, the person with that dimpled smile.

The guy who swept me off my feet, and took me in, and made me feel safe. The man who called me his, the man who claimed me and loved me.

The man who I thought would save me in any trouble I'm in.

The man, who broke my heart.

That man is standing meters away from me, looking and loving me from afar.

Namjoon... Save me...

I blinked my eyes rapidly to see if it was truly him.

And yes it was.

I wanted to jump up to him and hug him and tell him I've missed him and waited for him. But a woman came up to him and took his hand, taking him away from my sight.

She was smiling at him and I couldn't believe my eyes when he smiled back at her.

He...he replaced me?

"Mrs. Lee time to go, you still have a party to attend tonight." Nam Joo Hyun called me.

"Yes..." I came following him.


I sat in my car, lifelessly.

My heart was aching, he had moved on while me here still waiting for him to save me.

Maybe it wasn't him, maybe it was just someone who looked like him and I've mistaken him for that someone.

What the hell? Who am I kidding he's a playboy.

He had all the women in the world to please him.

He has... All the things he wants.

Tears suddenly came down, I started to sob.

I cried my heart out once more, I love him so much.

I wish he'd come back to me all those months, all these months felt like decades.

I waited and waited and waited for him.

I still love him, I love him so much. But he's out there moving on!
I'm a fool to keep on hanging on like this, I'm a fool to keep on loving him regardless of the situation.

"I hate you namjoon," I said gritting my teeth.


I got out of the car and went in my manor well my brother's manor.

It's mine now anyway.

I got in to see Nam Joo Hyun waiting for me.

"The evening party, to celebrate you as the official lee clan leader is all set. I have told the maids to bring the dresses of your liking to the closet room. You should rest for an hour and get ready for your lunch meeting at 12:30."
He told me.

"Ok, I'll listen to you." I smiled. "If anything I'll be in my room."

"I'll just ring you a bell when we'll take a leave. Ok?" He told me.

"Ok." I nodded.

I went up to my room and lied on my bed.

"What a horrible day," I said to myself.

I then heard my phone buzzing.

"That's strange, Joo Hyun said he'd call in an hour," I said out loud.

Heiji: hello?



To be continued

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