chapter 23

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The house was quiet, no one dared to say a word in front of me.

We were all in the dining room, ready to eat.

I glared at both of them, none of them dared to look at me.

"Mrs. Y/n." Mrs lee called out bringing in the food.

"Here's your food, enjoy." She bowed and then left.

"Eat," I told both of them.

The father and daughter looked at each other and then took their meals.

"I'm going to my room, you two better make up," I said sternly

"I'm a mafia lord, how come I'm this scared." I heard namjoon mumbled

"What was that."I looked at him with a sinister smile.

"A-ah nothing." He looked away.

I then smiled and then nodded and left the room.

After a few minutes in my room, I could hear yumi's giggles

I guess they made up faster than I thought.

I went out of my room to see what they we're doing.

Namjoon was carrying yumi happily, it warmed my heart.

Little did I know, that this would be the last time I'd see them happy.

Authors pov

Y/n was sleeping peacefully in her bed when suddenly the window smashed open.

She woke immediately to see men coming to her.

She looked at them confused, they suddenly got on hold of her.

There was a sound of an upcoming helicopter, they pulled her and tied her.

The door burst open revealing namjoon, holding a gun.

His face fell when he saw y/n tied up and about to leave the room.

He ran to get her, but the men were too many.

The man kicked him back, he fell grunting in pain.

Y/n was gone...

The men then got out of the window, and away they left.

Namjoon couldn't believe it..

They had got a step ahead of them...

He lost, or so he thought.

He ran to the window immediately, holding the broken glass. Hurting his hands in the process.

He looked as the helicopter left.

A man then got out and grinned, it was him..

It was the man who stole his happiness.

The man who was crazy to kill Kim's

The man... The man he hated for stealing his first wife.

None other than lee min ho.


Namjoon pov

"Do it."

"Sir it's dangerous."

"We might cause a problem with the-"

"I said do it," Namjoon said sternly.

"Sir, we can't risk our team. Think about yumi, what will happen to her."
Ji Soo said.

I then ruffled my hair frustrated.

I just had her a day ago, now she's gone.

Think namjoon think.

(Authors note: yow my darlings, this story may not have a happy ending.
Yes, it may not, but I have already been planning the ending. So I'd like you to pick, from this chapter and so on will be the alternative ending you'll have. Semi bad or good ending? Comment, please. I'd love to know your thoughts. That's all take care, saranghae!💙)

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