chapter 18

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It was now morning and I got ready, I was gonna see namjoon.

(A/n: the reason why I couldnt write much, is because my ex was a namjoon stan. I could imagine his face, thats why everytime I try writing this story. Tears couldn't help but fall down.)

Yumi was already outside waiting for him, and then I heard a sudden squeal.

He's there.

I went outside the door to see yumi in namjoons arms.

My face softened to them, it was adorable.

Our eyes then met and he put yumi down.

He then walked and then ran to hug me.

His arms engulfed me into his touch.

I haven't been this happy and excited to see someone.

I hugged him back smiling like a fool, I'm inlove and I can't help it.

He caressed my hair as smiled.

"Daddy what are you doing with unnie?" Yumi asked confused.

And that's when we both pushed each other away

"What-what? I just missed unnie that's all." He chuckled.

I couldn't help but hide my face in embarrassment.

"Are you considering my suggestion? Is unnie gonna be my mommy?" She asked happily

"Aish, let's go in the car." I pulled yumi with me.

"Ok." She agreed.


(A/n: lol guys it's been two days since our break up, I can't write a proper story. He just cheated on me so badly, give me 2 days. I really can't do the story line properly, it hurts so much.)

mafia daddy: Kim namjoon ffWhere stories live. Discover now