chapter 40

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"h-huh?" I asked her confused.

"I... I think you should watch yourself." She told me confidently.

I was already starting to get pissed, so many people were pissing me off to ignore tae. And now this? Hell no.

"I appreciate your concern mrs.park, but I'll have to ask you to leave." I told her, and her smile fell to a confused look. "Your still invited to my wedding, and if your right..." I said standing up and she did too. "Well I highly doubt you'll be right. I just had taehyung back, I don't think he'd stab my back." I told her smiling.

"Thank you for the time, but it's time you leave." I continued to smile.

She just nodded and bowed and opened the door about to leave.

"Mrs. Lee.." she started making me look at her. " I hope you won't regret this, but I already did my part in this story." She told me looking at me smiling. "I could tell you take on chances not choices."

And with that she left, i didnt know what she meant but it lingered in my head. What's the difference between chances and choices? I thought to myself.

Chances are taking the probability that it might happen, and choices are choosing between will be right for me.

Am I taking a chance on this wedding? Is it unlikely to happen ?Or should I make a choice and getting married next year?

I asked myself this question, does that mean I'm giving myself a choice to choose or take a chance?

Jennie got me real hard in those words

(I bet them readers confused HAHAHA)

i then shook those thoughts out of my mind, i have things to do.


I looked at namjoon as he was writing some things down, it was about lee min ho's property. I was giving it to him, he was signing contracts with me too.

I then pouted at him and continued to stare at him.

"What is it babe." He said not looking up at me.

I then sat closer to him, wrapping my arms around him.

"Daddy~" I said softly, and then he looked at me surprised.

"Could you say that again." He told me, giving his full attention to me. "I need to record that honey."

I then looked at him, my eye twitching at him.

"Oh uh yeah, whats wrong?" He asked me.

I then went back to acting cute.

"Something happened this morning." I told him softly.

"Did you vomit or something? Wait don't tell me... Your pregnant?" He asked somewhat happy.

I then hit his arm making him wince.

"Aniyo, it's not that-"

"Your horny? Sorry honey, I'm busy signing papers if you want to have sex with me now." He said cutting me off.

"You know what, nevermind." I sat up wanting to leave.

"Ahh I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He said pulling me down to his lap.

"What is it, tell daddy." He said smirking.

"Aish, I hate you." I told him. "This morning I had a visitor and don't you fucking dare interrupt me while talking." I told him as he was about to talk.

"It was jennie park of the avarca clan." I started "she told me I more likely took on chances than choices." I looked at him as he looked back at me.

"So your deep in thought about it?" He asked me

"Yeah."I agreed with him.

"Well, she's right. You take on chances than choices." He told me placing a kiss on my forehead

"It it a bad thing or a good thing?" I asked him.

"Both, the good thing about it is that you know how much the probability will happen. The bad side is that you don't know how much of a chance your taking." He told me
"Why what's bothering you so much with those words?" He asked me.

I then let out a sigh."nothing."

"So... Wanna have sex?" He asked.

"What the heck? Aren't you busy?" I asked him

"I was till I saw your cleavage." He told me looking deep into my eyes.

"Aish, you've got sharp eyes." I told him.

"So, you up for me?" He asked me.

"Ok fine."

To be continued

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