chapter 24

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Y/n pov

It felt like forever...

It's been a month since I've seen daylight. It's been too long.

He isn't coming, he isn't going to show up.

I looked at the small window above me.

They didn't treat me like a prisoner though, I'm living in luxury.

All the things I use, are full of luxury.

I have Gucci slippers, channel branded jewelry, I've got Louis Vuitton clothes.

It was suspicious, I could even roam around the place.

Only in the morning though.

I then stood up, knocking off those awful thoughts.

I then heard the door open, revealing the man who visited me almost every day.

"Haeji?" He came in.

I looked up at him, I was completely frightened every time he came to me.

"Heiji, how was your morning?" He asked.

I bit my lower lip before answering.

"It was ok," I replied.

He then let out a chuckle, taking out a gun.

He always did this to me, he'd shoot things in the room making me startled.

I looked at the gun, scared.

"Are you scared?" He gave me a crooked smile.


My words were cut off as he shot my cabinet.

I covered my ears, scared.

He laughed out, amused by my reaction.

"Get used to it, I'm going to be making you crazy like me." He stood up.

"Get up." He ordered.

I looked at him, tears about to come out.

"I fucking hate cry babies, get up." He ordered.

I was trembling in fear, I didn't know what to do.

Should I listen?

he then tilted his head and played with his tongue.

He pulled my hair making me stand up.

"There, don't make me mad. I might finish you off here," he warned me.

I need to get out of here, I need to fight for myself.

I can't keep on waiting here, thinking that namjoon will save me.

Stop being dependant and fight!

"Then get mad.." I mumbled.

"What did you say?" He said irritated. "Speak up bitch."

"I said then get mad!" I yelled kicking him in the nuts.

He crouched in pain, making his gun fall down.

I looked to where it fell and picked it up.

"You dare hit me!?" He looked at me still In pain

I pointed the gun at him

Pull the trigger heiji.

No, don't do it-

Do it!

No, please don't.

I looked at him and remembered the pain he put me through.

My mind went black.

I hadn't noticed, my target... Was already dead.

"Sir lee min hoo!" A guy ran to the room.

"Sir, wake up. Call the doctor!" He yelled.

I then got out of my closet and pointed the gun at him.

"Get me out of here," I ordered.

He paused and didn't dare to speak.

"Are you deaf?" I asked him.

He gulped looking at me slowly.

"I can't do that." he tried saying softly.

"Wanna die?" I asked smirking.

"I...I." he stuttered.

I shot the only window, that kept me company on those days. Where I felt alone and thought I'd never see the light again.

"I have strict orders from lee min ho that I'd make you the leader of the gang!" He yelled scared for his life.

I looked at him in disbelief, this man is as crazy as his leader.

"What the hell do you mean?" I asked bringing my gun down.

"Lee min ho knew you'd kill him someday from insanity. He planned everything beforehand." He explained.

Damn it.

To be continued.

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