chapter 39

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I looked out the window, namjoon was right. Maybe I should have just stayed home, I was seriously pissed with that woman.

"Babe." Namjoon called out.

I looked at him as he called my name, yumi was already asleep on her chair.

"I told you so." He gave a small smirk.

I then rolled my eyes looking away, that had just made me more pissed about the situation.

"Baby~" he called out coming closer to me

"Don't." I said annoyed

"Is my baby annoyed? Aww don't be mad at your own mistake."he teased

I then growled at him making him back off a bit. But that didn't stop him from teasing me.

"Don't be mad anymore." He told me. "Stop frowning, you look ugly doing that." He said tucking my hair behind my ear.

I looked at him pouting, I had such a soft heart when it came to him

"I hate you." I told him, looking back out the window of the car.

"Meanie." He said, I could feel him frowning

It made me grin at his cute nonsense.

I then turned around and saw him looking somewhere else. I then rolled my eyes and gave him a peck on his cheek.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

He then looked at me surprised and then gave a small smile.

"Tell daddy namjoon your wrong." He said smirking.

I gave him a 'what the fuck' look.

"You always call me daddy when your under me,do it now baby girl." He said slyly.

My lips twitched, trying not to slap him.

"Come on do it, if you really love me. Do it." He convinced me.

He then picked up his home and looked at something, so I took it as a chance to say it.

"Say it-"

"I was wrong daddy namjoon, and your right daddy." I said coming closer to his face.

And he was blushing all over.

"Yah! Stop that. You asked me to say it and your gonna start acting weird?"

"A-aniyo..." He started. "I'm just surprised that your really said it."

"I'll do anything for you." I told him.

We were already up at our gate, and almost home.

"I'd even love you till our next life."


It's 3 days before our wedding, I was already feeling excited.

I was meeting with someone, well she asked to meet up. Her name was jennie park (lol in her next life it's gonna be jennie kim of bp).

She was one of the best mafia leaders, I envy her because she has a loving husband. Well I wont need to envy her anymore because I'm going to be having one too, namjoon.

"Mrs. Park is here mrs. Lee." Nam joo hyun said coming closer to me

I then stood up to greet her, she had been wanting to meet me for a long time. She send me a mail that she wanted to talk to me, but something happened during my welcoming party. Well the part where namjoon brought me to his home and gave me a lot of love.

She came in with the prettiest smile I've seen.

"Hello Mrs.lee." she waved and bowed

"Hello Mrs. Park." I bowed smiling welcoming her in my office.

"How are you?" She asked coming to me.

" I have been well, and you? Oh uh have a seat." I told her."

"Oh thank you, I am doing well too." She said smiling sitting down.

"You said you wanted to meet me right?" I said sitting down as well.

"I...I just needed to tell you something." Her smile slowly faded.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"I...I dreamed of you." She told me.

"Oh you did?" I asked her.
"You seem scared, is something wrong?" I asked her.

" dreams always come true." She started. "I ... I don't know how to explain it to you." She told me.

"It's ok, I can listen." I told her smiling.

"I hope you understand and not get scared."


To be continued

(A/n: hello darlings! Welcome to the new readers, take care and thank you for the song recommendations. I'm giving you one last time to make a theory. Cause the next chapters might leave you surprised.)

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