chapter 17

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Y/n pov

I sat on the couch and watched yumi play with jin's kids.

She looked happy, it would be nice if namjoon gave her sisters.

What the heck am I thinking about!?

I'm in no place to have those thoughts.

I let out a heavy sigh and felt a presence come to me.

"You feeling alright."

I heard a man asked concerned.

I looked up meeting the man's eyes.

"Ah yeah I'm fine, thank you." I bowed my head slightly.

"Here I thought you'd need this." He handed me a cup of hot chocolate. "I didn't know if you wanted coffee or not, so I just made you hot chocolate."

"Thank you, ermm sir?" I bowed.

"No need to be so formal, just call me jin." He smiled

I smiled warmly back at him.

"Ok... Jin."


It was now dinner and I was helping out in the kitchen.

I found out that jin owned a very big restaurant and is a well-known chef.

He's been on multiple cooking shows and is really successful.

In short, he's stinking rich.

He only has two maids in the house.

He doesn't own a mansion or anything.

Just a warm and cozy house, I'd like that too.

"Ok, put that in there. Not so much ok?" He told me.

I tried my best to listen carefully, didn't want him to burst mad.

"Good job." He complimented me.

"Thank you." I thanked him

"What was your dream when you were younger?" Jin asked out of the blue.

"Oh um, until now it's my dream. But I can't pursue it anymore." I sighed sadly.

"What's your dream?" he asked.

"I wanted to be a kpop idol," I told the man.

"Oh, I wanted to be an actor when I was younger." He said while mixing the rice.

"Oh, uh, why'd you not pur-"

"I got my girlfriend pregnant." He said simply.

"Umm, what?" I looked at him confused.

"I can be honest with you right?" He looked at y/n

"Y-yeah," I answered. "I'll listen."

"I was going to be an actor, I got a call from the company that I had a great opportunity. I went over to my girlfriend's place just to find out I got her pregnant. I threw away that dream and went to uni. Once my wife gave birth, I lost her." He told his sad story.

"I'm sorry to hear that." I apologized.

"It's fine." He said reassuring me.

"I have a sad story too." I smiled at him.

"I witnessed my parents die in front of me, my own brother killed them. I was bullied in school because I didn't have a permanent home." I explained my story.

"That's awful." Jin looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

"But I'm ok now." I smiled.

"How'd you become fine?" Jin asked confused

"It's ok to mourn over it, but don't take too long. We need to learn to move on cause we can't keep on mourning. We need to pursue our lives, yes bad things happened but that doesn't mean our lives stop there. We need to keep on moving for the people that love us." I explained.

"Thanks... I needed that." He thought of y/n's words.

"Say how old are you?" Jin asked

"19," I told him

"Your still young, you've got a whole life ahead of you."


To be continued

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