chapter 8

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I looked at him confused, what the-

"You should really go to your room now and have some rest." He said kindly.

"O-oh ok good night again." I bid him good night.

"Good night...(my y/n)." He bid me good night.

I changed and got dressed to sleep and got on my bed.

"I wonder what that was all about." I thought to myself.

"I looked up at the ceiling and then took a deep breath before drifting away to sleep."


One week later.

"Yumi where are you." I walked around the house.

We were playing hide and seek, I then heard a faint giggle.

I turned around to see two little hands sticking out from the curtains.

"I think I know where yumi is." I tip-toed to the curtains and pulled it over.

"Found ya!" I yelled

"Ahhhh unnie you found me!" She said surprised.

I looked at the time it was almost 12, I then picked yumi up.

"Let's go have some lunch."

It was Saturday today, namjoon was busy for the whole month we barely saw him. He would send a message asking how yumi was sometimes, I would reply with 'she's fine. 

sometimes at night i'd still be awake and catch him coming home, he'd have some coffee with me or have some small talk. nothing deep happening yet

We then walked to the kitchen to see a maid cooking, she gave yumi a smile.

"When will it be done?" I asked politely.

"In 30 minutes." She replied.

Welp lunch is gonna have to wait.

"Unnie we're not going to eat yet?" She asked.

"I'm afraid not yet yumi."
I replied.

"Unnie let's go to the library!" she suggested.

"We can't go to a library, your dad might get mad."
I stated.

"No our library." She said.

"You have a library!?" I exclaimed.

"Mrs y/n, Mr. Kim wants you to call him on your phone." Mrs. Lee said coming to us.

"Oh ok hold on yumi let me just call your dad ok?"
I told her.

She nodded signaling for me to go.

I then called namjoon who immediately picked up.

"Y/n pack some clothes for yumi she will be staying at a friend's house for a while," he ordered.

"Oh ok hello by the way," I said.

"Hello too." He chuckled.

"Do I have to go too?" I asked.

"Do you want to go too?" He returned the question.

"I mean who will stay with you at home on Sunday?" I asked.

"Are you caring for me?" He chuckled.

"A-ah I just think that if your alone you might feel lonely," I whispered shyly still letting him hear what I had to say.

"Do you want to go on Monday?" He asked.

"That...would be nice." I agreed shyly.

"Ok then go pack yumi's bags."  He ordered again.


He ended the call and I went back to yumi.

"Yumi come on let's pack your clothes," I said to her.

"Why?" She asked.

"You're going to be staying at your father's friend's place." I took yumi's hand and began to walk to her room.

"Are you coming with me?" She asked.

"Not today I'll be going there on Monday," I said.

She then stopped in her tracks...

"But I'll be alone." She whined.

I then looked at her and kneeled down.

"Yumi." I caressed her pink cheeks. "Daddy will be all alone he'll be lonely. I'm going to take care of daddy while your gone and then when daddy will go to work I'll come to you."




"Ok so yumi needs to drink water 8 times a day, she needs to sleep in the afternoon. And I need you to-" I was cut off by Jin

"Yeah, I know. I can do this I'm a dad of two." He reminded me.

"Just please take care of yumi." I pleaded.

"You have my word." He said.

I sighed of relief, I have really gotten attached to namjoon- I mean yumi

"Ok bye bye yumi." I waved

She looked at me and then ran to me.

"Bye-bye unnie please take care of daddy." She bid me goodbye.

I kissed her forehead.

"Take care ok be a responsible girl while I'm not with you, ok?"

She nodded.

She then ran to the car and away they went.


To be continued

mafia daddy: Kim namjoon ffWhere stories live. Discover now