chapter 25

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"Please don't make both of us suffer, you either let us train you to be the next leader of the lee clan or we'll keep on hunting you. It'll just be like cat and dog." He stood up slowly.

I let my gun down slowly, what the heck is happening?

I never asked for this, I never asked to be a part of this society. All I wanted was to live happily, with namjoon and yumi.

I'm missing home already, I'm homesick. I want to leave.

I need to leave, do I?

Tears started to stream down, I was so dirty.

I'm disgusting and filthy, I don't belong anywhere.

I don't belong here, but why am I forced to be here?

I want to leave, but they'll hunt me.

I don't have a choice.

"I accept," I said tears in my eyes.

"Thank you, Mrs. Lee." He bowed

I threw the gun to the side, it's worthless now anyway.

"I'll have someone get you first thing in the morning to start your training." He told me closing my bedroom door.

"I miss you yumi," I said crying to myself.

"I miss you namjoon, I miss you so much. Please save me, please, please, please save me." I cried messily on the floor.

All I have is myself, no one else now.

I cried and cried until no tears have come out.

The door then came open, revealing the man from a while ago.

"You have a guest, Mrs. Lee." He said letting the man pass by

"Y/n!" The man came in hugging me

I was so numb to everything that I couldn't even bring myself to greet him. I didn't want him to be my savior, I want namjoon... him only.

"I'm sorry I didn't come earlier, I'm so sorry y/n." he apologized.

"Taehyung-ah," I said faintly but still letting him hear me.

"I... I'm going to be a clan leader." I told him still numb.

"I know." He said patting my back.

"I give me all the support you can give."
I said slowly hugging him back.

"You have everything." He told me

"I don't," I said in my head.


Namjoon pov.

What the hell am I doing?
She's my property I can demand it and report it to the black market.

"Daddy?" I heard my daughter's voice call me.

"Yes, my princess?" I went to her.

"I... I miss unnie." She said frowning.

"Me too, I miss unnie so much." He said pulling her to hug him.

"I don't feel bad so much daddy." She said still in my embrace

"Why is that?" He pulled away slightly to see her face.

"Cause, when I miss unnie. I watch our videos On my tablet." She said softly.

"Ohhh, can daddy watch it? So that daddy doesn't miss unnie so much as before?" He asked the little girl.

"Of course, I'll go get my iPad daddy." She ran off to get her iPad.

I miss you y/n.

Please hang in there, I'm coming soon.

To be continued

mafia daddy: Kim namjoon ffWhere stories live. Discover now