chapter 46: aftermath of it all

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Hoseok walked to the back, they had a private burial for namjoon and heiji in namjoons garden as of heiji's request to yoongi..

Jungkook ran immediately inside the place when he heard what had happened, he didn't support namjoon with heiji, not even a single care. He knew from the start she was bad news waiting to happen and that namjoon was being foolish, but he couldn't stop him, he was obsessed with the fact that he found someone new. His pride was hurt when his wife, his dearly beloved, had left him for another man. He wasn't willing to let anyone take that from him again, now look where it led him, about to be put 6 feet under the ground.

That's when hoseoks eyes met jungkook's, jungkook was in deep pain, he couldn't understand why this happened. Namjoon was very close to jungkook, he was his role model, he expected better from him not worst. But he's only human anyway, nothing good nothing bad.

"H-hyung.." he mumbled looking at his older members. seokjin, yoongi, hoseok, and Jimin looked at the guy who just arrived.

"He's gone.." was all Jimin could say, jungkook wasn't expecting this, or everyone else. 3 days ago was supposed to be a happy day to remember, instead it all turned into ashes.

Seokjin walked towards jungkook, jungkook was in a state where he could go mad, he couldn't live like this without namjoon. Namjoon became his brother, someone he held dearly towards.

Seokjin pulled jungkook into a hug, and he let it all out. The other guys walked towards the both and hugged them too, some teared up because they couldn't believe it. They were all left in disbelief, they thought he'd be the one left standing since all of them were crackheads, but no, he left them.

"Its not your fault kook, you had done your best to tell him, don't blame yourself." Yoongi said, he was there that day. A few months back when namjoon was planning to get her back, he was one of the people who told him to stop.


Jungkook walked in furiously into namjoons office after what he heard from taehyung and Jimin, he was planning to attack lee min ho's clan in order to just get that girl back.

He barged in, the first thing he saw was yoongi and seokjin, they must be here about namjoons plan to so he thought.

"Hyung.." jungkook said walking towards them.

"Kook, not now, the adults are talking." Namjoon said not even glancing at his younger one.

"Don't give me that bullshit hyung, you know why I'm here." Jungkook glared at the older one, yoongi looked at jungkook and sighed.

"I guess the news already reached him," yoongi looked at jungkook and glanced back at namjoon.

"You're making a mistake hyung, don't do it," jungkook advised his hyung.

"You don't get it jungkook, you're too young to understand yet," namjoon stood up trying to walk away from them.

"And so is she! She's just 20, she knows nothing about your world. All she knows is that you're a leader of a gang that's it," jungkook yelled at the man, "what else if she knew what you only bought her as bait towards her brother!?"

"It wouldn't matter to her, because the fact that she knew I was murderer and didn't stay away from me," he started, "she didn't judge me, she didn't hate me, she understood me and looked for the why's in everything."

"She won't last long," jungkook gritted his teeth, he couldn't understand why his hyung became obsessed with her.

"Not all women are whores kook, just because you got your heartbroken by one doesn't mean all," namjoon spat at the younger one, jungkook curled his hands into a fist and was about to punch him but yoongi held him back.

"Let go of me!" The younger one yelled at his older one.

"Joon, we're telling you this for your own good," seokjin stood up to see how the situation escalated, "are you really willing to do this? Are you really willing to put your empire at stake? How about yumi? What if they take revenge on what you did, what if they take yumi from you? Think about it clearly, your not only making a decision as a boyfriend of hers but as a CEO, gang leader, a father, a friend, and family member." Seokjin told him calmly. "I hope you make the right decision.''

Yoongi let go as jungkook calmed down, "Joon, we'll be going, we did our best to convince's up to you now on how you're going to voice it."

End of flashback

They all sat down, in the dinner table, and since tomorrow is the burial, all of them decided to stay here and sleep for the night.

Taehyung didn't come since he didn't have the guts to show up after what he planned to do with Mae, we can say right now that he's the one who buried Mae. Since she didn't have anyone else than namjoon and after her leave with namjoon, people thought lowly of her after that.

Right now with taehyung, he's sitting beside her newly buried grave, tears kept on falling down his cheeks. Maybe if he said yes to love her then, 3 people who he held dearly in his life wouldn't have left him.

He honestly blamed himself, he blamed himself for doing everything for his own selfishness.

All he wanted was to be with someone for once, was to be noticed and accepted. Maybe if the deity have given that to him without hesitation, the world... His world would be something he'd never give up.

"Yah..." He said looking at the picture marked on her stone, "you're so stupid, you should have never left namjoon..."

"Then maybe I could have met heiji, and she could be mine.." taehyung said softly, "either way, namjoon really is good at picking the right one for him, so good that I wanted to take atleast one of you away from him."

"Oh Mae... Even back then, I think I did like you... You just had the most beautiful smile, most encouraging speeches... Yet you were also foolish." He said as tears came down, "why do we always yearn for happiness? Is it this hard to achieve it?"

"Am I called selfish if I care about me for this once?" He asked her grave, "oh Mae... I should have taken you when you were still here, I wish I didn't fall for heiji... I'm so sorry..." He cried out to her grave.

Meanwhile again with the others, "she was everything to him..." Yoongi murmured beside hoseok, yumi was upstairs in her room, she couldn't believe she lost her father and her soon to be mother.

She's heartbroken.

"How's yumi?" Seokjin asked as Jimin came to them in the living room.

"She doesn't want to come out, the news must have been heavy on her."
Jimin sighed sitting down beside jungkook, jungkook kept on getting calls.

"Who keeps on calling you kook? Is it for work?" Hoseok asked him.

The boy shocked his head, "it's shena...I haven't talked to her for 2 days already," he sighed looking up to the ceiling, "she must be worried about me," he smiled to the sudden thought of her.

"You should go to her then," hoseok advised, "we'll keep watch here."

"No, it's ok, I owe namjoon a big one. Doing this is simply a thank you to him, it's all I can do anyways," jungkook shock his head to his hyungs suggestion.

Hoseok then nodded, not wanting to argue about the guy, besides, he's old enough to make his own decisions now.

"Have you guys heard anything about tae?" Jimin asked them.

"I heard he buried Mae this afternoon," hoseok sighed standing up, "he loved them both, but I guess he loves Mae more to the fact that he's not here to keep watch on heiji."

"Maybe it's just guilt that namjoon died," seokjin sighed.

None of them knew that taehyung had a part to play in this, that's why the guilt is eating him up from the inside.


Part 1 of the aftermath!

(I decided to post what happens after the burial and what's going on with them, btw support my new story the great mafia seducer oh and shena is jungkooks mutual crush in this part!)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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