chapter 13

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Y/n pov-

I was reading one book I liked, the origin of beauty and the beast.

"Y/n, love, I'm here." I looked at namjoon as he brought in the tray.

And that's when I realized, he called me love.

We weren't married, we just had a one-night fling.

But then again I longer have any rights.

I'm just his thing, I have no name. He gave me a name and a home, he owns me... And I owe him.

"Here." He placed the tray in front of me

"Thank you." I bowed my head slightly.

"What book are you reading?" He asked.

"Beauty and the beast." I smiled softly.

"Why do you read that?" He asked confused.

"My mother would always tell me the story when I was a kid. We weren't rich nor poor, I was just like every normal girl." I explained.

"The reason why she told me that story was because..." I stopped for a moment. "If I were to marry someone, I should love them throughout all the happiness and in their worst I shall be there for them. Like Belle she was there for the cursed prince, my mom wanted me to be like her one day."

"Hmm."  He nodded cutely.

"But I wasn't able to do that.." I said sadly

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"I sold myself... More worst I left my Foster mom." I said looking away.

"Hey, hey ... Calm down please." He held both of my hands.

"It's ok... What matters is where you are now." He gave me a dimpled smile that warmed my heart.

"Thank you for those kind words." I bowed my head Abit  withdrawing my hands away from him

I then closed my book and ate some cake and enjoyed my coffee.

Flashbacks came back, memories that I threw away returned.

My story isn't finished, but there are already chapters that started. 

I was not an only child I had a brother, he was insane.

I was 8 when it happened

~flash back~

I came back from school With eomma. My appa was in the kitchen cooking and I went straight to my room after coming home.

An hour has passed, I was reading a book that I loved. It was given to me by my brother.

I then heard yelling downstairs, as a kid, I did a normal thing. I went downstairs.

I saw a gun pointed at my dad and mom, my world stopped.

At that moment I couldn't feel anything... Was I suppose to feel something.

"Eomma you like my new toys?" The teen smiled insanely.

"Son p-put the g-gun down p-please." My mother stuttered out.

"Aish eomma don't you wanna play a game." He laughed like a maniac

I took a step back scared of what was happening.

And then my brother's head faced me, he smiled widely.

"Ah, little sister come here." He smiled at me

I didn't move an inch, and he gave a pissed look

"Yah! Come here or I'll shoot eomma!" He yelled at me.

I then walked there immediately.

"Ahhh good girl." He went behind me and gave me the gun.

"Shoot appa." He said cheerfully.

"W-what?" I stuttered out.

"What do you mean 'what', shoot appa. He's always on our nerves shoot him now." He said

I then pointed the gun at my dad, his eyes begged me not to and just shoot my brother but I couldn't do both.

I looked at the door behind them, I could make I run for it and call the police.

I then kicked his stomach and ran out the door my eomma followed me and gunshots were heard in the back.

She then caught up to me and grabbed my hand and ran faster.

" Don't look back!" She warned me.

And my mom fell to the ground.

I looked at her shocked.

" E-eomma." I cried out her name.

She was dead.

My brother was catching up.

I then kissed her forehead and ran for it.

~end of flash back~

"Y/n I need to ask you something." Namjoon looked at me.

I then put my coffee down.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I know it might sound rude but... Why did you sell yourself?"


To be continued

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