chapter 37

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I looked at him deeply as he stared at me closely.

I then let out a sigh, I took my hands of his and said.

"Namjoon... Your being to paranoid." I told him softly. "We have taehyung back now, and he's inviting us for a meal. It would be mean to reject his offer." I told him.

He looked at me in disbelief, I bet he was expecting something else.

"I know your against it, but you have to trust me on this one." I told him cupping his face.

"And if he tries anything crazy again, I'll just give you a call or press the red button you gave me months ago." I said looking into his eyes.

He then let out a sigh defeated.

"Ok, let me get you another button." He told me taking my hands of his face.

I could tell his pride was hurt, so I followed him silently as he went to his office to get the button.

He then stopped to get it, I then went behind him and slowly slid my arms around his waist.

"Please don't be upset joon." I pleaded with him softly.

He then let out another sigh, he turned around to face me and I released him from my embrace.

"Ok, ok. I'll come with you and yumi." He said

I then smiled happy.

"Thank you." I gave him a soft peck in the lips.

"I'll go get yumi dressed." I told him leaving the room.

We were already in the car traveling to taehyungs house.

I wore this:

And namjoon wore this:

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And namjoon wore this:

He liked holding my bag for me, he was really caring

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He liked holding my bag for me, he was really a way.

Yumi was sitting on my lap playing with her mini ipad.

I looked out the window as the car accelerated.

"You seem to be lost in thought?" I heard namjoons voice.

I looked at him lending him a smile.

"I was just wondering." I told him.

"About?" He let out a small chuckle

"If I'd still be with you in my next life." I told him.
"Cause one day, were going to die. And I want it to be you, I still want to be with you."I told him smiling softly.

"No..." He started "no one has ever said that to me, not even my ex wife."

I continued to look at him and waited till he spoke.

"Maybe in your-our next life,if fated. I'll be able to love you again. And if there are things that I couldn't do here in our life now,I promise to fulfill them In our next life." He told me.

And I hadn't noticed, a tear has fell down my eye.

"Were you that touch."he said smirking.

I then looked away, immediately pissed by his corny sarcasm.

"I don't know what is wrong with you." I told him

"I'm just joking, but my promise is real."he said taking my hand in his bringing it his face and gave it a peck.

"Promise?" I asked him.


From what I remembered... Promises were meant to be broken.


(A/n: this was short but I extended the chapters. Until chapter 50 y'all! And thank you for new readers and followers. Follow me on ig btw, let's be friends🥺)

mafia daddy: Kim namjoon ffWhere stories live. Discover now