chapter 36

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I was in my library room reading a book, well I don't do much work anymore since namjoon is slowly taking over.

"Heiji!" I heard namjoon yell from the other room

"Ne!?" I yelled back.

"Heiji!" He yelled again.

"Yes!?" I yelled back. "What is it?"

I then stood up to go there to him, I walked to the other room and knocked on it.

"Namjoon-ah." Called out.

"Oh heiji?" He said standing up.

"You were calling me?" I asked the guy

"Yeah, I was." He said coming to me.

"What is it?" I asked him once more.

"Nothing."he told me.

I then let out a scoff.

"Why'd you call me then?" I asked him.

"I just wanna look at you." He told me coming closer to me, he then bended lower to be leveled with my face. "Your beautiful."

I then tried my best not to smile at what he said.

"I'm being honest here." He told me serious.

"You think I'm not taking you seriously?" I asked back.

"Your laughing woman." He said sternly.

"No I'm not, I was just trying not to smile." I told him.

"Why?" He asked." Your smile is beautiful." He complimented.


We then heard the door slam open.

"Anyeong~" we saw taehyung came in.

Namjoon then immediately took me in his arms and took out a gun from his jacket pointing it a taehyung.

"You knew I was coming?" Taehyung asked.

"Of course." Namjoon replied.

"Relax hyung... I'm not here to make trouble." He said smiling at me

"Then what?" Namjoon kept his posture

"I'm here to make peace with you." He said simply, our eyes met as I remembered the day he begged me to love him. "I want to apologize, I was a fool to think that heiji would love me."

"Yeah big time." Namjoon scoffed.

Would you forgive me?" He asked for forgiveness.

He then gave him a smile and went to him to hug him, I jumped to reach taehyungs neck and gave him a hug.

"I'm so sorry tae, would you forgive me too?" I asked him.

"Of course heiji." I could feel his smile behind me, he then slowly patted my back.

Authors pov

Taehyung looked at namjoon with a smirk.

And mouthed to him

'its over."


Heiji pov

"Uncle taehyung!" Yumi said running to taehyung as he picked her up.

"Yumi!" He said holding the girl in his arms.

"Are you coming to mommy and daddy's wedding?" She asked.

"Of course I am!" He said smiling at us and of course I smiled back namjoon still kept a poker face.

I could tell he doesn't fully trust taehyung after what had happened.

"Tae?" We heard a familiar voice call out.

We all looked where the voice came from and it was jimin... I think.

"Hyung!" He said smiling.

"Taehyung, you lunatic." The man came to jimin
"We really thought you were going against namjoon hyung." The man said almost in tears.

"Aish hyung, I'm sorry to make you think that. I'll make it up to you, dinner at my place." Taehyung invited us. "You guys should come too!" He looked at me and namjoon.

"Sure." I said smiling brightly, I was happy we had taehyung back.

"See you later then, I'll be going."taehyung said putting down yumi.

"Common hyung, let's go to my place." Taehyung called the guy.

Jimin smiled warmly going with taehyung out.

"Don't go."namjoon told me.

"Why?" I looked at him confused.

"I have a bad feeling about it." He said looking at me deeply.

"He's trying to make it up to us-''

"It's a trap." He said cutting me off.

"Why are you so afraid?" I asked him.

"I don't want to lose you again!" He said loudly.

I looked at him in disbelief.

"So please..." He started.

He took my right hand engulfing it in his raising it up to his chest.

"Don't go."


(A/n: darlings! I need inspiration, I need good songs T-T. Please give me some from your playlists so I can continue making the story. And.... This book will have a book 2! It will be connected with the storys I'm making! Read them btw it's awesome! Love you guys and thank you for the views)

mafia daddy: Kim namjoon ffWhere stories live. Discover now