chapter 32

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Namjoon pov.

I was busy looking at romantic proposals for heiji.

Or... Y/n?

I wanted to get married to her as soon as possible, I didn't want to lose her anymore.

I was so busy looking at them that I lost track of time.

"Mr. Kim?" I heard ji soo's voice call.

"Yes?" I said looking up.

"You're going to be late for your meeting with Mrs.lee," he told me.

"Eh?" I asked again.

"Your meeting? With Mrs. Lee?" He asked again.

Oh right, I was going to see her today.

"Ah yeah yeah, get the car ready. Also, bring yumi with us." I told him

"Yes sir." He bowed leaving the room

I then sat back on my chair.

"Waiting does pay off," I said smiling at the ceiling.

Heiji/ y/n pov.

"Ah taehyung-sii." I called taehyungs voice.

"Ne?" He said looking at me with a boxy smile.

"What if I get married?" I asked him.

"Wae? Why would you need to get married? And to who?" He asked.

"I just wanna get married, I always wanted a family," I told the guy beside me.

"Aishhh, you're a mafia leader now. Throw away those dreams for a normal life." He told me sternly "cause that's not gonna be happening."

I looked at taehyung in utter disbelief. I knew I'd never be able to live a normal life, but hearing it from him was just... Painful.

I looked at the time and it was almost 3.

"I have to go tae, see you another time," I told him as I stood up. "Excuse me."

"Where are you going to?" He asked me.

"I have a meeting with namjoon." I told him

"Oh.." he said suddenly said.

"I have to go now, bye tae." I waved at him as I took my bag.

"Bye." He waved back.

"I need to stop this."

I walked into the penthouse that namjoon told me to go to.

I only brought my squad with me to guard the doors.

"It's secured Mrs.lee." my squad leader told me.

"Ok, that should be it." I then got inside.

The men at the door opened it as I went in.

My eyes sparkled to see the person I missed so much, the person I've been attached to and was taken away from.

"Mommy!" The little girl ran to me.

I kneeled down almost in tears, I spread my arms bringing her to my embrace.

"Mommy!" She said weeping in my embrace.

"I missed you so much mommy " her little arms wrapped around my neck.

"Shhh, "I told her.

"Don't leave again mommy." She told me crying.

"I'm not going anywhere, mommy will stay here with you," I told her

I then pulled away to see her face, she was a crying mess. I then wiped it away and kissed her forehead.

"Mommy is going to stay with you," I told her.

"I have something for you mommy." She said sniffing her nose.

"Daddy told me to give it to you when I see you." She said.

"What's this?" I asked her as she handed me a letter.

"I don't know, daddy told me for you to read it immediately." She told me.

"Ok then." I opened the letter.

" I don't normally do this anymore, since I'm already 27. But I'm doing this because I love you, walk outside to the open side. And I'll tell you, I'm ready to be childish just for you."

                  -namjoon ☄️

"Mommy has to go outside, you stay here ok," I told yumi.

"Ok mommy, I'll wait here," Yumi said obediently.

I walked outside to see namjoon standing on the grass looking outside the sky.

He looked pretty hot from my view.

"Yah!" I yelled at him getting his attention

He then smiled at me as I got closer to him

I then ran to him smiling.

"I'm here," I told him. "What are you going to tell me." I put my hands on my hips.

"I only need three yes'" he told me.

"Well, you know I love you so much right?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I agreed with him.

"You know that I want to marry you, right?" He asked me again

"Yeah." Again I agreed.

"So..." He kneeled down.

"Will you marry me." He asked me.

I then smiled at him and nodded.

"Say it baby." He told me

"Yes!" I told him getting down to kiss him.

He kissed back happily as always.

I then pulled away from his lips resting my head on his.

He then took my left hand and placed the ring on my finger.

"Mine," I said looking at me.

"Your now mine." He told me kissing my forehead.

"I'm only yours."


A/n: hello guys! I have decided on the ending...
I'm so sorry, this story might break your hearts. But it's going to be happy ending. I'll give you a hint though, since I don't wanna spoil it to yah.


You guys can make theories before the last chapter... Please comment it though I wanna see your thoughts.)

mafia daddy: Kim namjoon ffWhere stories live. Discover now