chapter 9

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I got inside when it started to rain. I got in my room and played on my phone, yumi taught me how to download games on the device.

I then looked at the time it was 8, I went down to get some dinner unfortunately no one was there. Not even Mrs. Lee, strange I thought to myself. I just brushed it off and decided to make my own food. Bibimbap was my option I made some California maki to go with it.

I then felt two arms slither around my waist embracing me. I froze to the sudden touch.

I was in the middle of making the maki.

"What are you making." It was namjoon.

Suddenly my heart raced knowing it was him. Butterflies were in my stomach, I felt my cheeks burning.

"Ca-California maki." I stuttered out my answer.

"Nice." He said.

He then nuzzled his face in my neck. My face was burning but I tried to act normal.

"N-namjoon?" I called out his name...

"Yes." He brought his face up.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"I gave them a rest this week, they're coming back tomorrow evening." He said

"Oh ok."

"You don't like this?" He asked suddenly not looking up.

I shook my head lost for words.

I would lie if I said that I didn't, cause I really did like it.

"Good, cause I'll be doing this all the time." He said.

My heart stopped, I was about to explode.

What-what did he just say?

"A-ah did you, I mean... Will you eat with me?" I changed the subject.

"Sure I'll wait for you in the dining room." He then left and I sighed.

I gasped for air, it's like I was holding it in for a long while.

I finished cooking and put the food on the tray.

I walked to the dining room to see namjoon just sitting there. Well not just sitting there, he was on his phone.

"Foods ready." I placed the tray in front of him.


We then started to eat

"So how was yumi's day?" He asked.

"It was fine." I answered, "she really missed you, by the way, she even told me to take care of you if you needed something like that." I added looking at him.

"Really what if I needed you to cuddle with me?" He questioned.

"I... Um... That's out of the question." I shyly said

"Really? You said anything I needed." He said coming closer to my face.

"I-um well I..." I stuttered lost for words

He then chuckled

"You're so cute." He pinched my cheek


We finished eating I put the dishes in the sink and started washing the dishes.

I then felt someone else in the room. It was of course namjoon.

He leaned on the counter beside me as I washed the dishes.

"Do you need help?" He asked.

"Ah yeah could you dry the plates then put them in the cabinet," I asked.

"No problem." He said.

"So how old are you?" He asked.

"19." I simply said. "You?"

"26." He replied

"Oh, so you had yumi at 22?" I asked.

"Well not really, I was 21 at that time. My birthday was next month after yumi's ." He explained.

We continued to talk, it was fun talking with him.
We talked about old philosophers then it went to love.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend before?" He asked.

"No, not that I remember, there was this one guy though. Ah yes, I remember now." I said. " There was this guy that was into me, he kept on coming to my house. he kept on asking me to umm sleep with him, which weirded me out." I chuckled lightly

"What's weird with sex? It's something normal between a couple." He said

"Well, we weren't a couple. he was my friend, I think." I said unsure

" Did you try it already ?"
He asked.

"Try what?" I asked back.


To be continued

mafia daddy: Kim namjoon ffWhere stories live. Discover now