chapter 38

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I walked in taehyungs home, hand in hand with namjoon. The coldness of the room hitting our skin, I could smell the food from where we came.
'he must have set us a feast.' I thought.

"Mr. Kim will be down shortly." His secretary said smiling at us.

I looked at namjoon and then looked at her, giving her a small smile.

I looked around the house as I walked in going to the dinning room with namjoon.

I saw jimin already there with seokjin talking to each other.

"Anyeong." I smiled at them

"Uncle seokjin!" Yumi ran to go to seokjin.

"Hello darling!" Seokjin opened his arms wide to let yumi in his embrace.

"I missed you." She said hugging him tighter.

"Uncle missed you too, Kaya is in the other room. You should go to her." Seokjin told her.

She gave him a smile and ran to the next room.

"Hey." Jimin waved his hand at us smiling.

"Where's the others?" Namjoon asked.

"Yoongi hyung isn't coming obviously,hoseok hyung  said he's gonna be late and jungkook on the other hand is on his way here." He updated us on the guys.

"Well that's a shame." Namjoon said pulling a chair, he then gestured for me to sit down.

Even with those little gestures it made my heart flutter, to which I would think we'd be together forever.

I sat down putting my hands on my lap.

Namjoon sat beside me, and started to talk with seokjin.

"Hey heiji." Jimin said looking at me

"Oh hi." I said looking up at him, I didn't really know jimin well. We just knew each other.

"Look at this." He showed me a pic on his phone across the table.

I let out a small laugh

"Funny isn't it?" He asked laughing mid way.

"Yeah." I agreed.


We then looked at where the voice came, and all of them looked at the person . I studied the looks of the others and they seem shocked, namjoon on the other hand didn't look.

"I'm back from the dead." She said coming closer to us.

"Who cares?" Namjoon said not even looking up


We all sat on the table awkwardly eating, hoseok and jungkook were already here. I took some glances over the woman that just came. she was pretty, she wore heavy make up, she had a rocking body. Is she someone namjoon knows? Is she namjoons ex? Is that why she keeps on looking at him.

(I recommend that you listen to itsy bitsy spider by lyn lapid as you read this chapter)

I took a glance at namjoon, he looked like he didn't even care. He just ate, not even looking at the woman.

I then dropped my shoulders and let out a soft sigh.

He then looked at me and wiped his mouth.

"Are you ok?" He asked me, he then reached out for my hand.

"Yeah..." I said almost in whisper while nodding.

He then took a glance to his front and kissed my hand.

mafia daddy: Kim namjoon ffWhere stories live. Discover now