chapter 10

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I looked at him surprised what the heck was he talking about?

"Well yeah, I know of it but haven't tried it," I said shyly.

"You're a virgin?" He asked

His questions were starting to scare me

"Umm yeah..." I agreed.

We both then heard ringing, he looked to the side then back at me.

"It's time you go to bed." He said.

I looked at him

"Wait for me here I'll just answer this." He said getting his phone.

I watched him fade into the corridor I then took a chair and sat down.

I put my head down on the table. I started to feel sleepy.

"I'll just nap." I yawned.

I then closed and started to drift into dream Land.

A few moments later I felt someone pick me up bridal style. I opened my eyes to see namjoon.

"Oh it's you," I said smiling.

"Who else?" He chuckled.

"No one, I'm just glad it's you." I smiled softly.

He opened my bedroom door and layed me under the covers. I breathed in the floral scent, how wonderful.

He was about to leave until I pulled him to me.

"Can you cuddle with me?" I asked politely.

He cracked a smile and nodded.

He layed next to me and cuddled me.

It felt nice but it was wrong...

I don't know why it just felt wrong.

He slowly intertwined his hand in mine.

"Your hands are really soft." He whispered in my ear.

He layed behind me, for some reason... He made me feel safe. Like no one could hurt me when I'm in his embrace, it made me feel... Nice.

We talked about relationships and stuff... Until I drifted to sleep
I then woke up, I was thirsty for some water.

I looked at my left namjoon was nowhere to be found.

I stood up and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

It was dark a bit. I got my glass of water until.

"aaaaaaAAAAAGHHH." I heard someone scream.

My heart dropped, I was getting kinda scared. But this is also my house now... I have to investigate.

I walked where the sound was coming from, wimping was heard. I saw a door, it was a bit opened. just for someone to peak and not get caught.

I peeked through the creaked door.

It was a guy and some other guys... Well, they were sitting on a chair tied.

"Please, let my men go! I'm begging you." He pleaded as his life depended on it.

"Shoot him."

And a loud bang was heard in the house.

"Why didn't you use a silent shooter? My baby is sleeping what if she wakes up?" The guy said mad.

"S-sorry boss." The other guy stuttered.

"I don't have all night you're telling me where Lee min ho is or I'll kill you." The first guy stated.

He kinda sounds like namjoon... It can't be, right?

"If I tell you will you let them go?" He asked.

"I promise." Namjoon grinned.

"He went to China first... His ...his next place is Europe." He said disappointed in himself.

"Where in Europe?" The first guy demanded.

"I-i don't know, but he's going to Europe." He stated scared.

"Ok." I then saw the man come closer to the guy tied in the chair. He went to his ear and said a loud whisper.

"You should know your yelling must have woken my baby up. I'll have to kill you."

The guy's face fell.

Several bangs were heard, all of the men tied in the chairs were now dead. The guy who shot them came to the light.


"Throw the bodies I need to go back to bed before my baby wakes up." He said putting the gun away.

I ran upstairs not making a sound.

Namjoons a murderer.

I couldn't help but think, the guy who bought me kills people.

I was terrified, I felt bad for the guy.

Lee min ho... That name rang a bell in my mind.

Somehow I think I know him.


To be continued

mafia daddy: Kim namjoon ffWhere stories live. Discover now