chapter 21

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It has been a month, and me and namjoon have been getting more intimate.

He was watching out for us mostly, I haven't been in the city for a while.

So me and yumi are going out, of course with namjoons permission.

I was getting ready to go out, that's when I heard someone rushing to the door.

"Ma'am there's someone at the door." She said gasping for air.

I gave her a strange look.


I walked downstairs with the maid to see a woman in her thirties.

"Where is lee haeji?" She said in a state of madness.

Haeji... My old name..

"Yes?" I said

She then looked at me and slapped my face.

I then looked at her confused, why'd she slap me.

"So this is where you've been hiding?" She asked. "You and your non-stop sugar daddy nonsense!" She yelled at me

I knew this woman... She was my Foster mom. The one who took me in when nobody wanted me.

"Aunty," I called out

"So what now?! You graduated high school with honors and now you look for money?! I didn't raise you like this." She spat.

I gulped down, namjoon would be furious.

"Aunty calm down." I calmed her.

"Don't you-"

"Y/n whose this?" I certain voice said.

I felt his presence by my side pulling me close to him.

"Do you... Know this woman?" He asked me

"Namjoon-ah," I said looking up at him

"Do you know her?" He asked once more

I then shook my head, I was starting a new. Why'd my past have to haunt me??

"She doesn't know you, so leave," Namjoon said dryly

"Ah, she knows me. How could she not? I raised her... Right haeji?" She said in confusion.

"Ani, aniyo." I denied.

"I have never seen you in my entire life," I told her.

"You must be kidding? I took you in when-"

"Aniyo! I had the most perfect family." I denied her "my family raised me with honor and dignity, I would have never met you in my entire life."

"You just got her mistaken for someone else," Namjoon said.

The woman looked at me, confusion in her eyes..

"Maybe I did.." she said bowing

"I'm sorry to be a disturbance, you won't see me again. I'm sorry."

"Mrs. Lee," Namjoon called

"See her out please."

Mrs. Lee nodded and got the woman out of the house

I then sighed heavily

"You knew her didn't you?" Namjoon asked

I then looked at him, his eyebrow was up.

"Yeah.." I agreed not wanting to lie to him

"Aish..." He sighed "who is she?"

"My Foster mom.." I avoided eye contact

"Why were you avoiding her? And my biggest question is how does she know your here?" He asked me

"I...don't know." I looked up at him.

"Stay at home, I don't have a good feeling." He said with a worried look

"Unnie-" yumi paused to see us both.

"Ah...yumi," i called out

"Don't go, stay at home. All be in my office."  Namjoon then walked away leaving me and yumi in the living room

"We're not going anymore?" She looked at me saddened by her father's words.

"Maybe tomorrow, it looks like it's gonna rain," I told yumi

"It's sunny outside unnie." She looked at the window

My eye twitched, damn.

"Are you and daddy hiding something from me?" She asked.


"Is it a surprise!?" She said smiling

"Ah yeah... It's a surprise." I said smiling giving the kid false hope.

"Ok, I'll wait till tomorrow." She then fled upstairs to her room to get changed

I sighed and massaged the back of my neck.

"What am I gonna surprise her with?" I thought to myself.

I then got an idea, I bet it will teach her something.


To be continued

(A/n: y'all making me cry🥺🖐️. To be honest, I'm really down, my boyfriend's acc got reported and he doesn't know when he's gonna make a new acc. So I won't get to talk to him, I reallyyyyyy miss him. And thank you for all of your supportive comments, y'all made me cry. Saranghae ✨)

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