My last words

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I could hear the fight breaking out as we got closer to the room, "they started with out us".

Raph went head first into the room only to be thrown out again hitting the wall, "done already Raph".

"Shut up! I'll get him this time", Donnie stopped him.

"Instead of going in like a wild animal let's take him down together", helping him up they went in together with me lingering in the back.

There was blood and broken objects from all sides and even though the hearts gas should have affected him he still looked as strong and unfazed as ever.

Fear was all I felt as he held Mikey by the throat and the others knocked out, "oh no".

Donnie and Raph were able to get him out of shredders grasp but he pulled out his knives ready to attack.

"Pathetic turtles ", he said in a low tone sending chills down my spine.
"Even when you had the opportunity you still couldn't beat me".

With a sinister laugh he flattened them both like it was nothing, "you- you won't get away! W-we will . . Finish this".

Leo said out of breath holding his side struggling to get up. 'Leo . . This wasn't how- . . How did things turn out this way'.

"Ha ha, don't amuse me pest once I get your master here i will be the one ending things on a good note", he took hold of Leo taking him close to the large glass windows.

"Ga! Let go!", Leo shifted his weight gaining momentum and kicking him on the head making the helmet spin out of place.

Shredder let go of Leo murmuring in anger as he adjusted his helmet and readied his weapon, "three should be enough".

My legs moved on there own as I threw smoke bombs at Shredder blinding him.

Changing Into my mutant form I kicked his gut with all my force slamming him into the glass cracking it.

"Hissss!!", my instincts to protect were strong as I placed myself over Leo.

My eyes never left shredder as he slumped a bit to the floor composing himself.

Leo touched me softly shifting my attention, "(y/n) you're not supposed to-".

Seeing him in pain snapped me out it, I helped him on his feet. "How did this happen? It's only been an hour since we did phase two".

With a disappointed expression he let out a sad chuckle, "some of us got impatient and rushed to fast before the drug kicked in".

Looking over Karai and Kaname were out cold. Kaname was holding her protectively and I pieced it together.

"She's never been the patient type", I said taking him to the others.

"We need to get you all out of here- Gah!", a sharp sting was felt on my side.


Looking down at my side a sharp needle pierced my skin, ". . . 30 minutes. . .".

"W-what?! 30 minutes?", he said confused and panicked.

"It's dipped in poison, I have 30 minutes before I pass out". Letting him go I turned to the owner of the needle.

"No! (Y/n)! You are not Doing This Alone!!", he yelled trying to stop me but he was to hurt to move.

"We don't have a choice anymore. He's weak and I'm low on time". Taking out claws and the needle from my body I knew what I had to do.

"You can't! Let me take care of this!", Leo tried to move to my side.

"Sorry but . . This time it's my turn to protect all of you . . Just remember I Love You", with those last words I ran full force to shredder.

He avoided my attacks sloppily as I began to feel sluggish from the poison.

He got a few slashes on me but I returned them back with my own advances.

While he blocked me I pushed him towards the glass, "just give up! I have more tolerance then you".

With a scowl that could kill he let out a grown then overpowered my movement, "here is the difference between you and I, child".

Beating me at my own attempts he some how gains more speed, "I have more experience in this line of work".

Shoving me as I struggled against his attacks I was getting pushed to the glass window, "I have the resources to over throw more then just this Pathetic city in my sleep".

Finally pushing me to the glass and holding me there with his remaining strength that's overwhelmed mine he spoke his last words, "and I have one last thing to say to you before I see you die".

Getting closer to my ear as he pressed his hand to the glass he spoke, "I killed your worthless mother that day and I should have let you die with her".

The glass shattered behind me, my body felt heavy as the sound of screeching wind passed my ears.

My time was up . . I failed . . in a state of shock all I could think of was. 'He . . Killed . . My mother'.

I blacked out as a growing heat took over my body and I let go of all my pain in that moment. Letting my thought go, something with in me snapped.

Shredder looked over with a strained expression of fatigue and anger as he walked to the turtles.

Leo who watched the fight was trying to make his way to him, "YOU FUCKING  BASTARED!".

"Ughh . . (Y/n)", Mikey said weakly holding his throat.

Raph trying to get Donnie off of him was beyond pissed to the point there was no words but rage as he grit his teeth.

"All that emotion for something so replaceable", he said in a sinister manner pissing the boys off further.

Before he could take one step forward the sound of glass shattering and rubble was coming from below.

A black large figure with white hair and golden eyes jumped into the room with blood coming from its body.

In a low growl it's eyes locked on to its target as everyone else backed away from the blood Lust energy it was emitting.

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