one good thing

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My eyes fluttered open and the smell of sewage and pizza filled my nose making me gage. Looking around i was in a dimly lit large room with alot of technology.

'what happened?', Moving a bit a surge of pain came back to me.

"GAHH!", Making the better choice of not moving again i stayed put.

'did i get sent to one of Baxters secret labs . . but this is different'.

Thinking of all the possibilities that could have happened before i passed out i was stumped.

Footsteps were heard and i sat up to see how it was . . to my surprise it was the last person i expected, "Mikey?".

He heard me call out his name and came over with a big smile, "Your awake! how are you feeling?".

"uh- sore? and confused", i said while pinching myself.

"Dont do that! you might pop your stitches", He stopped me from pinching myself and placed a bowl of food next to me while taking an old one away from me.

"h-have you been bringing me food?", i took a whiff and it smelled so good.

I ignored my pain for a bit and scarfed down the lukewarm soup almost finishing it in three minutes.

"Gah~ More please", i handed him the bowl back.

he had the brightest smile, "no ones ever finished my food that fast~ i'll get you more".

As he left the room more people came to replace his presence. April, Leo and Donnie came in looking relived to see me.

"Mikey was right you are awake", April came to my side putting her hand over mine.

  "How are you? any pain or discomfort", Donnie asked while checking me over.

"it hurts when i move but other then that im alright", i said flinching every time he checked my bandages.

Leo was sitting next to me looking worried still, "Do you remember what happened?".

My somewhat awkward smile vanished when he asked, " . . . i do . . kinda . . i dont know how i got here or where here is but i know what led to me being here".

"Do you want to talk about it", April said trying to comfort me.

"Whats there to talk about . . . the one person i thought i could trust ended up almost killing me . . . so i ran away . . and almost died anyways", letting out a heavy sigh i held in the tears.

"Karai did this to you? not shredder?", Leo said shocked.

"Shredder would have killed me for real if i did this while he was here but no he didnt", i said coldly.

"This . . this was because you helped us . . because helped me", she looked sad and i gave her a gentle smile.

"I dont regret my actions April so dont feel guilty", I wiggled my fingers on top of her hand.

Mikey came back in with a bowl of more soup and the others looked unsettled by the food he had, "Who want seconds~".

"A-are you sure you want to eat that (y/n)", Leo asked covering his face.

"I think that will finish her off", April covered her nose.

Not understanding I looked at them with a raised eyebrow, "whats wrong with it?".

It was a bowl with noodles and red sauce that was some how still bubbling and was making everyone's eyes water.

Donnie coughed and covered his face, "Mikey how much spice did you put in the soup".

"Not that much just some chilly powder, peppers, half a bottle of hot sauce for flavor".

they all looked at me since i looked immune to the toxic soup, "How are you okay?!".

"I've had worse", i said dipping my finger in the soup and tasting it. "Mmm not bad", i started to chug it like it was nothing as they watched in horror.

"Shes not human", April said looking horrified.

"Shes some kind of anti-spice lord", Leo said gagging.

"she hasn't eaten in  two weeks so it makes sense why she loves my food so much", Mikey said taking the bowl away from me.

"TWO WEEKS!!! Oh no . . .", panicking i tried to stand up.

"Whoa hey you cant get up yet", Donnie and Leo tried to put me back in the bed.

"But i have to go back . . h-he will be there and if he knows im not there . . this is bad", i was freaking out.

If shredder finds out what happened Karai will be punished or worse I'll be punished.

'Thinking it over maybe I should stay . . . If I get in trouble I think I'll actually die', calming down I laid back down in bed.

"You shouldn't move for at least another week or two", Donnie said while going to his lab and taking out crutches for me.

"Your going to have problems walking but these should help, lucky for you your arms were not as badly hurt", he said placing them next to me.

"You can stay here while you recover", Leo said while standing up about to leave.

"If it's not to much trouble when I'm more able can I go to other parts, staying in here is cool and all but . .".

"I get it, the living room is open to you but only when your better", he said strictly then left the room.

"What's wrong with the lab", Donnie said sounding a bit hurt.

"Nothing I actually find it amazing, it's just a change is nice from time to time".

April gave me a thumbs up as if I said the safest thing, "that's true, . . Is my lab really cool?".

"Oh yeah way better then Baxter's that's for sure", I said praising him.

He gave a proud smile and his little gap tooth showed, 'aww'.

For the next few weeks I would be a guest in there home and as a guest I should prepare myself for when I have to leave.

TMNT x Reader Leonardo [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now