Not in motion

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Today was the day i got to go with Karai to the Kraang. We're not allowed to do this but she wants to prove to her Father that she can take the turtles on and capture them.

I waited on the out side as she made her deal with them and man did the Kraang have alot of cool stuff.

"so  . . . you come here often?", i asked one of them.

He looked at me then watched straight on, "Kraang is always what human girl calls 'Here Often'".

"so~ how does your body work?", i poked his belly where the brain was and he took hold of my hand.

Karai walked out with the robot that looked more like a tank, " . . you done playing with the brain bots".

The bot let go of me and i walked along side of her, "i was making small talk".

Searching by roof top we were on the look out for a girl that was close to the turtles.

"i got her~ She's traveling North on the Roof tops! MOVE!", she commanded sending the bots down.

We watched as she was talking to one of them, 'that ones Donnie and . . . . APRIL!?! the girl i ran into at the shop was the target?!?'.

Throwing a ninja star there way Karai jumped down while i was still on the roof watching.

"Karai . .", donnie said looking worried over the girl.

"well, I was hoping for all of you to see this but i guess one is enough".

"your Rat master took someone i cared about, im going to return the favor", she was steaming mad and full of hate.

'this isn't right . . Karai don't do this'.

"Keep him busy! the girl is mine", she jumped over Don while he was holding off the Bots and went after April.

things were going okay will she lost her fan and Karai was about to hurt her really bad, "I cant sit here anymore!".

Blocking her attack i stopped her from hurting April, "Wa- (Y/N)!?! Get Out Of The Way!".

"(y/n) . .", april said looking shocked and getting to a safe place with Donnie.

"I know your mad but attacking an innocent is Wrong! There's No Honor in that!", i said throwing her back and holding my ground. 

When i knocked her down the bot came out and it looked even bigger then i remember it, "Robot eliminate the girl!".

Donnie and i did our best to stop the robot but it was to strong and kicked our butts in less then a minute we were flat on the ground  . . . to my surprise it didn't hurt April but took her . . or tried to anyway.

"What?!?  RAA!!", Karai smacked it before it could take her and dropped April.

"AH!", thinking quick on my feet i got to her before she hit the floor.

"UGh! ow . .".

"Thanks", she said getting off of me.

"No prob . . but next time try not to crush me when free falling", i said jokingly.

The robot got up and turned to Karai, "threat detected, eliminate Threat".

"KARAI!", i went over to help her from the robot.

"Oh Now You Help ME!?!", she said while running from the bot.

Thinking fast i took one of my Explosive stars Jamming in in its face making it lose balance, "HHHAAAAA!".

Before it landed i stabbed it threw the head with my Sickle taring it clean off from the body.

The rest of the Turtles came after i decapitated the Robot and Leo found his way fighting Karai while the others dealt with the robots.

' . . her fan', picking it up i watched from the shadows of the playground. 

With the foot bots all gone and Karai stuck she had no choice but to stand down, "Its over Karai!".

"For NOW!", she threw a smoke bomb and left.

they put there weapons away and i felt eyes on me from my hiding place, "you wanna fight or do you enjoy watching others".

Raph called me out making the others look at me.

i came down and walked slowly stopping a safe distance away, " . . . ".

 I had nothing to say but someone did, "(y/n), thank you for protecting me and for killing that robot".

"april . . . i-im . .", letting out a sigh i handed her the fan. "here . . im sorry", i walked away going back to the base.

she called me as i left, "i'll see you for lunch next time".

i stopped and turned around giving her a funny expression, "Hen'na On'nanoko".

Throwing a smoke bomb on the floor i vanished ready for my punishment when i returned home.




"Hen- what?", April said not understanding.

The boys laughed a bit, "Shes not wrong". Raph said with a smirk.

"She called you strange", Donnie broke it down for her.

"i think shes the strange one", April said a little sore from the comment.

Donnie through about it more and voiced his opinion, "April was right . . shes not a bad person".

"Oh not you to Don", Raph said still not trusting (y/n).

"Well trust her or not her actions were clear. She helped April even when she didn't need to".

Mikey who was silent till now spoke up, "do you guys think she'll be in trouble for helping us?".

"Oh no . . Mikey's right . .", April said looking worried.

"We cant get involved anymore then we already are", Raph said ending the conversation.

TMNT x Reader Leonardo [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now