Team Rival

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Going back to the roof after trapping stink weeds heart in a jar we found in the dump for Donnie to play with later, i saw the boys shake hands in agreement. 'thats . . . unexpected'.

"whats going on?", i said confused and interested as to why they were shaking hands.

Kaname looked my way and had a face i haven't seen him make, it was like he was irritated but a bit shy at the same time, "We made a plan . . . to help eachother".

"WHAT", the boys said in shock.

"Did you forget that hes trying to take (y/n) to his place", Raph said keeping an eye on Kaname.

"Hes trying to Marry her dude! MARRY!!!", Mikey said clinging to me protectively.

"what is the plan exactly? why  would we need his help?! last time i checked he works with our enemy!", Donnie said  throwing out facts.

"we can talk but not here", Leo was leading us away from the mess we just made.

as we were getting deeper into china town my stomach growled, "s-sorry I haven't ate anything since this morning"

Mikey was drooling along with me, "it smells like egg rolls and dumplings down there,  I could really use a refill".

"we are close to the noodle shop, why not stop there and talk about our plan", Leo suggested.

"you can count me in im beat". Raph let out a tired sigh.

"it will give us time to rest. He should be closed by now", Donnie checked for any suspicious activity.

my habit kicked in as i knocked in a code, "come in young one". he said letting us in.

"you have a code to enter a shop? Wait why are they coming in too?!?", Kaname said semi panicked.

"its fine", Raph walked passed him taking a seat.

"chill dude, hes cool with us  so enjoy the food", Mikey took his usual seat.

"I hear a new voice among you, new friend?", he said with the joy of a grandfather.

"nah just a tag along", Leo said leading me to a seat next to him.

Kaname feeling out of place sat at a booth watching us all. "Not to be that guy or girl in this case but I would greatly love an explanation, please? One of you". I looked to Leo and Kaname for a reply.

"We're going to work together to take down shredder, tonight", Kaname said while playing with a knife.

Everyone paused while some of us choked on food, "I'm sorry WHAT!". Raph said looking at both of them.

"Tonight!? Dudes are we even ready!", Mikey who was understandably worried screamed out.

"We are ninjas with every passing day we get better. Taking down the purple dragons, slashing Kraang bots like butter and holding our own against mutants. We can do this if we play our cards right". Leo placed confidence in there plan.

"Leo, you're talking about entering a den of wolves with meat strapped to us. Aka (y/n)", Donnie said pointing out the holes in his plan. "Also Prince Charming here is trying to take her back there for there wedding so again, what are you thinking", Donnie said it logically.

"I understand why you wouldn't trust me but you need me to take him down. If he's out of the picture . . . Then I won't force (y/n) to marry me, but if she wanted to~". He smiled my way.

"N.O, not happening", I shook my head making an X with my arms.

"Worth a shot", he shrugged letting out a defeated sigh.

"Listen up this is what we're going to do", Leo took some paper to as they all went to the booth.

Laying out the plan and floor schematics everyone had there jobs from distractions to who would take out what and where they would go to meet up after minor things were taken care of.

The big problem would be to avoid my capturing and to keep a distance from the akuma family, taking out shredder will be up to the boys while I deal with putting everyone to sleep.

"Dudes wait? Wouldn't shredder be immune to things like that", Mikey gave a good point.

"Mikey's right, (y/n) was able to handle his cooking like it was nothing . . . So he's like ten times worse", Leo got chills remembering the bubbling concoction.

"You built up a tolerance right (y/n), do you remember all the things you could withstand", Donnie asked.

Thinking back I remember the list of poisons I was administered and how high of a dosage I could take, "anything from minor poisons that caused stomach problems to major ones that could kill a bear in seven seconds".

There faces went pale when I said that, "so that's why you were able to stomach Mikey's cookin".

"HEY! Not cool bro", he pouted at Raph's comment.

"A sleeping agent would work but even our guards have built up a tolerance to the weak stuff", Kaname said making me think of something.

"What about . . A gas? One that has no smell or taste", I looked at Donnie.

"Yeah that could work, if I could make use of stink weeds heart I can make everyone fall asleep just by placing it in the vents", we smiled at our brilliant minds.

"Okay you too together are scary, mad respect though", Mikey said.

"Good we got our plan all panned out, all we need is a good enough distraction in the casino to spread out the guards", Leo and Kaname looked at Mikey.

"What . . ".

"How would you like to use the best kitchen known to man", kaname offered.

"For real", Mikey was jumping for joy.

"You can make it taste so amazing everyone loves it, just add a little laxative to get there guts wanting more", Leo said making Our idea look like a harmless prank.

"And you called us scary", I said.

"There the real psychos here", Donnie said and Raph n I nodded,  with that our mission was a go.

TMNT x Reader Leonardo [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now