heart to heart

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Readying my self I held my ground as he did then went towards him, "HA!".

Blocking my Punches he advanced trying to throw me but when he grabbed my arm i twisted my body using his shell as my balance point landing right on him like a monkey.

"GA- Hey?!", he said trying to get me off only making me use his weight against him.

"Hahaha~ Down with the leader!", i yelled as he went down to the floor.

i was a giggling mess as i was still on top of him, "Very funny (y/n), you didn't even take it seriously".

"aww, are you pouting~", i poked his cheek.

"No im not pouting . . .", he looked at me and i thought he had enough.

"sorry for teasing", i said getting off him and helping him up.

with a smirk he took my hand, "No i think Im sorry".

Yanking me down he pinned me in return, "AH! Hey?! that was dirty".

"now look whos pouting", he said teasing me back.

"wa! A Kunoichi dose Not pout", i said with my cheeks a bit puffed out.

"Right, right~", he pulled me up this time.

We walked out of the beautiful area going back to the lair talking about almost anything, "Wait! your telling me you lived in japan but never went outside of the Yakuzas territories?!".

"i like to call it organized underground business", i said correcting him. "and yes i was never allowed to leave the estate and its territories".

"Shredder Owns more then 75% of the Ya- i mean 'Underground Business' in japan and uses it for all there trading with American Gangs?", he said sounding astonished by this fact.

"well when you put it that way you make me feel guilty for being raised in an environment like that even though i had no choice", I said back sounding a bit hurt.

"s-sorry its just . . i know he was bad but this is a lot bigger then i thought", he said taking mental notes.

i smiled as he was soaking in all the info, 'and to think i was suppose to kill you . . . now look at me spilling all the secrets'.

Thinking up my own questions i found it only fair i knew more about him, "how long have you been down here?".

"my whole life up until recently that is".

"Really?! . . . i guess were kinda the same in that way except you had the comfort of your family", i said with a bitter sweet smile.

"didn't you have Karai?", he said looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"only when she came with Him . . . but that was either every six months or two years . . it was lonely if I'm being honest", looking off into the distance i thought about our good times even if they were only for a brief time.

"Karai . . i-im sure she didnt mean to . . you know", he said dancing around the word.

"she didnt mean to try to kill me", i said back stopping.

he stopped and looked at me with a saddened expression, "i know she can be good just like you . . and your so close".

"were", i said as i walked passed him.

He took my hand and stopped me, "i know you dont mean that".

"you dont know anything", i said trying to drop the topic.

"then why do you sound so heart broken", he touched my face making me look up at him.

he removed my tears with his finger, ' . .i-im crying?'.

i didnt make eye contact, "she hurt me . . . in more ways then one . . so why? why do i still . . miss her".

He gave me a hug rubbing my back, "Because your family and you love her".

"shes an idiot", i said muffled from the hug.

we parted and i cleaned my face, 'this is embarrassing! i haven't cried since i was a child . . . . yet here i am balling my eyes out'.

Embarrassed i wanted to talk about something else, "So other than April do you guys have other friends?".

"yeah, His names Casey . . . think of him as a mix of Raph and Mikey", he said trying to find an example.

i laughed a bit trying to think of how that person would act, "that's hard to imagine".

"i know you said you only had karai growing up but did you ever have any other friends?".

Thinking back on it i guess there was this one person but it was so long ago, "i dont know if it counts but a long time ago there was a kid who would sneak into the Estate".

"really? did you get along", he said curious.

"we did, he wandered into my training ground near the forest and tackled me into a room when i was about to scream", i said thinking back on it.

"What!? I said get along not take you prisoner!", he said shocked.

"No you dummy listen, thats how we met and for a while he would visit me that way but one day stopped coming", i explained.

"Oh~ so he was like a secret friend", he said understanding.

"I remember how nice he was and was always making me laugh when i seemed sad~ If i remember i think his name was Kaname~ i dont remember his last name", i said a little sad but still felt fond over the memory.

Leo was gazing at me for a while with a stupid grin on his face, "whats with the face". i said nudging him.

"nothin~ i just find it cute how you look when talking about the things that made you happy", he said teasing me.

"Well now i wont tell you anything~", i stuck out my tongue as i walked in the lair.

Raph watched as we walked in, "Oh look what the cat dragged in".

"was that a pun?", i said unamused.

"maybe", he said back then looked at Leo. "Wait a minute~ did you to go on a D-".

"Oh would you look at the time! (y/n) i think its time for you to go see if Donnie found anything new about your DNA", Leo rushed me to the Lab.

Raph seemed pleased with that he had done and snickered a bit from the couch.

TMNT x Reader Leonardo [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now