The Night Echo's

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Down in the sewers we ran in complicated directions to throw off any followers we might have had along the way.

I had just started to relax when foot steps echoed in the dark tunnels, "I thought we ditched the tracker bro? Why are there so many footsteps!?".

"Mikey's right for once, (Y/n) are you sure we got the only one?", Donnie said slowing his pace.

"I-I think so . . . Unless", I looked at Leo and he set me down.

"Unless it's on something she's wearing", Leo said patting me down and feeling the fabric.

"We don't have time to check her clothes. Best thing we can do is get her new ones and throw these ones away", Raph said peeking out threw the man hole before opening it back up.

"That sounds better then wearing this", I said following along with his plan.

"It's settled then, be on guard. We don't know what's after us out there", Leo helped me up covering my backside.

'honestly, to think my tail would be working against me at a time like this!', that thought alone had me internally dying of embarrassment.

We stopped by a few side buildings before seeing a donation drop off box behind a second hand thrift store. "This will do for now".

Raph not taking a second thought busted the thing open and pulled out anything that looked wearable.

"Raph! Dude that's for people in need and there business", Mikey said looking over the box.

"Well we are in need", I said taking the clothes.

"And It's our business, so there just ganna have to deal with it. We don't got anything else unless you wanna break into a store and take it from there", Raph said back to him.

"L-Leo I'm going to need your help", confusing him I tugged him along.

"Help With?".

With a blushing face I placed us in a dark corner and turned shyly, "I need you to undress me and hold it up after words so I can change since it can work as a cover".

His face got red and fumbled to find the words but did as I asked, "a-a right you got help p-putting this on so I see why you can't t-take it off alone".

He undid the back part and it was easier to breathe and move, guiding his hands as he looked away  he held up the formal open dress like a blanket.

Changing into a ripped black hoodie and leggings Provided by Raph I was set to go, "not bad for something we found on the spot".

Leo smiled and put the dress in the donation box along with everything else I had on. "We should be good to go-".

"Go where?", A sudden voice came from behind us and a shuddering chill cascaded my body.

"Karai", I said in a low voice.

She moved her finger back n forth clicking her tongue like she was scolding a child, "(y/n), (y/n), (y/n). You just Had to ruin everything~ it Had to be your way didn't it, well guess what. If you Don't Go Back then I'll Make You".

She took out her weapon and out of habit I reached for mine but I had them taken from me, 'shit'.

"What do we do, if we fight now the others will come and-", I was interrupted by another voice I wasn't expecting.

"So this is where you were taken my (Y/n)".

Leo got annoyed and wasn't afraid to speak up about it, "I'm sorry your what!?".

"It was rude of you to take her from me Mutant, give her back and I promise to make your death swift", kaname took out his gun.

"Brining a gun to a sword fright, not the best choice", Leo had his katanas ready.

Mikey pulled me aside to safety as not to get in the way of there fight, "I wouldn't jump in if I were you dude, Leo's mad good at deflecting".

"We gatta deal with princess psycho over here too", Raph took out his sai's.

"We're still to close to the clothes so more will come this way if we don't deal with these two first", Donnie went to help Raph.

"Dudette you stay with me, you don't have your weapon so you can't join it", Mikey had his weapons out and looked like a protective angel at my side.

'I don't think I've ever seen him act this cool then in these moments, he's always a goof ball'.

We watched from the safety of the shadows avoiding the main conflicts. Leo held his own against Kaname but a gun wasn't all he had up his sleeve.

"I won't ask again Hand Her Over", his voice got low and the smile he always had went away.

"Not Ganna Happen. She's Mine and I'm not letting a Snobby punk like you have her", Leo lunged at kaname with force on his swings.

Kaname dodged the swings by a hair taking out a substance I knew, 'THATS BLINDING POWDER!'.

Acting quick I took one of Mikey's throwing stars and chucked it over, "Gah!?! My hand".

Kaname yelled dropping the powder, "what did you do? We're supposed to be hiding". Mikey whisper yelled.

"If he hit Leo with that he would have had the chance to kill him", I yell whispered back.

Leo continued his fight and Kaname managed to meet up with Karai as they were back to back.

"Tsk, all this cuz of a run away bride", she said with a nasty tone.

"Still bitter I didn't ask for your hand?", He said jokingly but I could see by Karai's expression it wasn't a joke.

"Oooh burn", Mikey said with a snap munching on chips.

"Where did you get that?", I asked confused.

"The trash can was full of em'~ want some", I shook my head vigorously.

"Nope all yours".

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