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The next day i was brought into Donnies lab at the crack of dawn and i was not happy about it, "Good morning (y/n)".

"ehhh . . . morning . . .", i said in a very crabby tone.

Leo laughed a bit, "not a morning person?".

Looking at him with my tired resting bitch face, "not really, no".

"she looks like Raph when he-", Mikey was cut off.

"When i what", he said back like he was about to bite the poor kids head off.

"n-never mind", he hid behind me.

"Anyway, (y/n) i want to evaluate your condition", he gestured me forward.

Standing in front of him he patted my shoulders and turned me around, "This is your test~ you have thirty minutes to try to stay dry~".

"h-HUH!?!", the boys were equipped with super soakers and water balloons on there belts.

The test was for me to not get wet and with out much warning Donnie held my hands up while Leo placed a white oversized shirt on me.

"Lets make this a game~ the person to hit her the most wins", Raph said with a malicious smirk.

"Im the Prank King! No one is beating me at this game", Mikey said pumping the water gun.

"Each of us have the water dyed to the color of our mask so we know who did the most damage", Donnie said joining them.

"Try to do your best (y/n), Think of it as a joining requirement since you didn't take our fight seriously", Leo went back to there side and smiled at me with eyes that said 'your going down'.

"t-this is a joke right? . . . Guys!?! COME ON!!!", i said finally waking up and looking for help.

"You have 10 seconds to run", Raph said counting down.

"W-wait just 10!".

"9 . . 8 . . 7~", he continued.

"GAH! IM GOING, IM GOING!!!", i ran out the lab looking for a spot to take shelter.

Looking for a place to hide i paniced, "TImes Up (Y/n)!".

Raph came out shooting my way first chance he got making me Run out the kitchen, "Wa! I-I really hate this".

My ears and tail went down and i heard a little clicking sound, "Awww~ Look at her, shes so cute when shes like this". Mikey was taking pictures if my 'adorable' state.

The others shot at me making me jump back till i tripped on my own tail landing on my back, "AH! Oww . . ".

"Pfft!", They laughed covering there mouth and holding it in.

"You look pathetic", Raph chucked water balloons at me.

Rolling backwards i dodged it, 'This is so messed up! its 1 v 4'.

Having no other way out i walked backwards slightly when i heard someone come in, "Yo Casey Jones In The House!".

With out warning they fired at me as i Took the boy and used him as a human meat shield, "GAhhh! What the heck?!?".

They stopped, "Sorry case", Leo said.

"We were aiming for (y/n)", Mikey said still taking pictures.

"Get out the way Casey", Raph said aiming for me.

"I was aiming at Casey", Donnie shot more water at Casey.

"AY! Not Cool", he avoided and looked back at me as i was still holding on to him and he grinned. "well hello cutie~".

I got the chills and my ears perked up making me push him away as he got soaked again, When i looked at the guys Leo looked Irritated while Raph was mad he missed and Donnie was enjoying shooting at Casey.

TMNT x Reader Leonardo [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now