Dark as night

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In shock everyone looked on at the creature.

"T-that thing is huge", in a raspy voice Mikey was able to say those few words.

"where did it come from!? W-wait that can't be", Raph said shaking the hell out of Donnie.

Donnie waking up was terrified by the creature, "what in the Darwin is that!!".

Leo was the only one calm in that moment, "it's (y/n)".

They all looked at him like he was crazy but when they looked back it matched up just a little.

"If that's (y/n) then don't you think we should, I don't know Leave The Room!", Raph said getting Mikey over his shoulder.

"Leo he's not wrong, we've seen some of the Mutants that lose them selves like this. They have no sense of reason", he went to go get Kaname and Karai who were still knocked out.

"I can't just leave her alone-", with out finishing shredder yelled out in pain.

"Gah!!", they looked back and he was pinned to the floor with a large gash over his arms as he still tried to break free from your grip.

You had bitten down on both taking out clean chunks.

They left the room leaving Leo behind as he watched you in shredders final moments.

The crunching of bone and blood as they covered the walls and floor. The only thing filling the room was horrific screams of deadly pain.

Once he went limp you let go cleaning yourself off. Leo was left speechless by the sight.

He took a deep breath in before getting the courage to call you,"(y/n)"

The grooming stopped as the golden eyes made there way to him, "I-I know you might not recognize me but I need you to calm down".

Slowly getting up you walked to him like you were about to attack.

Holding his hand out to you he tried to communicate, "(y/n), do you know who I am? Do you remember me?".

His voice was a bit shaky as you came to him and stopped. His hand was still out as you looked Into his blue eyes.

With a gentle purr you lowered your head to his hand.

Leo relieved let out a long sigh as he pet your head, "don't scare me like that next time okay".

Hearing footsteps there was a new obstacle in there way, "the guards . . (Y/n) do you understand me".

Not listening you walked away from him into the next room where the others were hiding from the gore, "Holy chalupa she's bigger up close".

"shes covered in blood . . did she", Raph looked at Leo who nodded. "well at least thats done".

Mikey slipped passed the boys getting closer to you, "Mikey what are you doing?!?".

He extended his hand out to you and you meet it with a gentle touch. A smile took his face as he hugged you. "she's not . . dangerous". he said the best he could.

"I think we can get out if we go out the way she came in", Leo patted your fur climbing up your back.

"You want us to ride her out of here . . your kidding", He said getting close.

"Its better then letting stink weeds roots get us", Donnie said getting on passing Karai to Leo.

"what about prince doofus over there?", Donnie pointed to kaname.

"Leave him this is his place after all", Raph jumped on helping Mikey up.

The door had heavy sets of footsteps behind them as you went into the other room. Your only instincts were to protect and run away in that moment.

"Are your sure (y/n) knows what she's doing Leo", Raph asked still unsure of this plan.

"Nope but she's helping us so I'm trusting that".

"WHAT! GET ME OFF THIS THING!!!", He said struggling while Donnie and Mikey held him in place.

"Its alright! after she comes to her senses she will turn back . . hopefully", Donnie said the last part quietly.

You started to run heading to the open window passing the gore. Raph covered Mikey's eyes and Donnie covered Raphs eyes, "Hey!".

"Shh you'll thank me later", He said sternly.

They broke down the door right as we jumped out and the gun shots started flying our way. With a loud and painful growl you shielded them from the bullets, "(Y/N)!". They said at the same time.

"You Idiot! Dont Do That", Raph yelled at you.

Mikey held on to you tightly and Donnie looked over you, "Its alright it missed the arteries!".

Leo grit his teeth as you kept running into the city, "We need to go threw the garage".

you started to become slower as more blood escaped your body, "she cant keep going like this".

Karai started to wake up, "w-what happened".

She was spaced out but as soon as she spoke you stopped running, "(Y/n) . . .". Leo called to you worried.

"This might be bad", Donnie said as your hair stood on end.

In one motion they were thrown off your back and in a defensive manner you stood low ready to attack.

"ugh . . What Was That f-for", Raph stuttered the last part as you grew bigger. "u-uh Don! Anything to help out".

"I dont know Im Not The Cat Whisperer!", he said just as alarmed as Raph was.

"What ever it was she doesn't trust us anymore", Leo was being held up by Mikey.

"What is that thing", Karai looked into the golden eyes as it was the only thing visible.

"Its (Y/n). Shredder almost killed her and then she turned into this", Leo said as he walked to you calmly.

"What are you doing! What if she hurts you", Karai held onto Leo making you angry.

Leo noticed this and spoke quietly, "Let go it will only make it worse".

She let go watching Leo walk your away, "(Y/n) its alright. You got hurt right? Let me help you".

You were starting to calm down a bit more but you were at your limit. Lowering yourself to the floor blood was everywhere and there was no stopping it anymore.

The poison worked as a blood thinner and since you took chunks out of Shredder that was now in your system too, "(y/n)? . . . /n)!? . . . . .(Y . . .".

You couldn't hear anymore and your eyes heavy from the poisons working against you, the last thing you saw was Leos worried face.

TMNT x Reader Leonardo [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now