Take my place

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It's been a few days since I woke up and even my strongest efforts weren't enough to change me back.

Leo says not to force it while Donnie was charting all of my failed attempts like a documentary.

Mikey had his fun with me like this using me as a snuggle buddy while Raph kept 'testing' cat theory's on me.

Both of these were not to Leo's liking what so ever. Karai kept her distance as not to scare me away, 'I want to talk to her but how can I . . She's done so much messed up stuff'.

It was the middle of the night and I had no sleep at all. Some footsteps caught my attention as I saw Karai sneaking out of the lair.

'Karai? Why is she up this late . . What is she up to. .".

Following behind her she left the sewer threw an opening near the sea ports, '. . . Something seems off'.

Smelling the surrounding area it clear there were many men hiding here, "Karai nice of you to meet up".

'Kaname? They're meeting up'.

"Did you think of my offer", she said holding out a stack of papers.

"I did, but does She know about this. Any of it? She deserve that much after what you put her threw", he said signaling me.

'He knew I was here . . Typical'. Walking out of the shadows I stood a few feet away from them.

"Hello pretty kitty~ you did a number on shredder. I rewatched it many times", he said the last part sadistically.

"You followed me", Karai looked surprised but on guard.

"I was wondering why you left so I followed just in case-".

"In case what? I returned to the foot? Ran away?". She said getting a bit of attitude.

"In case you got hurt . . ", an awkward tension filled the air.

"Well you just made things weird, But it's not far off. (Y/n), Karai wants to join my side of things and to do that we drew up a contract", he said showing me.

"A Marriage Contract!", I said so shocked my tail dropped.

"It's to destroy everything to foot has and remake it all our way, the right way", he said petting my head.

"I wanted to tell you but I couldn't go near you with out you running away", she said sounding a bit upset.

"Anytime your party gets in a bit of trouble we will help behind the scenes to make sure you stay secret and in turn when we need if we hope you will help us", Kaname and Karai has this all planned out.

"D-do the others know about this?", I asked looking at Karai.

"We do now", Leo and the others came from the shadows.

"Oh great the families here", Kaname said going up to Leo. "Long time no see cat nip".

"You want to marry my sister now, you work fast don't you", Leo said as they looked eachother down.

"How did you know we were here", I asked.

"Your tracker let us know when you leave the lair", Donnie said taking a hair clip off my fur.

"You bugged the hair clip I made her . . . Not cool dude", Mikey said holding it in his hands.

"We're not going to have to visit for holidays right", Raph raised an eyebrow looking at Kaname and Karai.

"Who said I wanted you over, second place", Karai said sticking her tongue out.

"Just to spite you I'll leave stink bombs at your door", he said going back n forth with her.

"So the details of the contract, do we get a say on some points", Donnie snatched the contract away from him and went to the section involving us.

"Let me see", Leo took a good look and gave Kaname a death glare. "What is this?! 'If (y/n) is to give birth to Cat Nips children and they look human Kaname Can Legally Adopt'. OVER MY DEAD BODY!".

"Oh you didn't see that was in there too~ if you die I take (Y/n) to live with me", he said happily.

While they were bickering I felt myself feeling strangely happy with the situation. My hight started to change a bit and I noticed I had fingers.

"Guys (y/n) changed back!", Mikey came over with a big smile.

The boys stopped fighting looking over at me.
"I missed it!", Donnie said coming over.

Karai pushed them all out of the way and took this opportunity to hug me for the first time in a long time, "I'm so so so sorry for what I've done. No excuse can make This right . . I'll make sure to change and when that happens I hope we can be like old times".

"No it won't be like old times", I parted the hug. "Karai no offense but The Old Times Suck!".

She paused and laughed, "yeah I guess they do".

"So how about new memories? As ourselves this time", she nodded agreeing with me.

Mikey came over joining our hug, "to being ourselves!".

We looked at him and I giggled while she face palmed, "if anyone knows how to be themselves it's master Mikey".

"I don't know about master but your not wrong", she said sarcastically.

A few months since then it was preparation for there wedding and it was to be private seeing as most of the family was mutants.

Only trusted members and family's were allowed to attend. Master splinter was an emotional reck the whole time since he never thought he would be able to see her wedding much less attend.

As things were getting set we stared at the ocean enjoying the peace we still had.

"If feels like just yesterday we were stealing from the museum and now look at us . . At a wedding", she said laughing a bit.

"I always thought about your wedding but This isn't how I imagined it", I said letting out a sigh.

"It would have been in Japan right? So our mothers could be close on the day", she said reading my mind.

We smiled as a soft knock interrupted our peace, "sorry ladies but it's time". Leo came to get us.

Karai went on her way to get ready and I stayed just a bit longer, "(Y/n), everything okay?".

He came to join me as I thought back on everything, "the first time I said 'I Love You' was in the worst time of our lives".

He was taken aback by my words, "but I want to change that to something more memorable". Taking his hand I placed it in my cheek.

"(Y/n)", he said softly as we got closer.

"Leo, I love you very much", we came together for a wonderful kiss with the sound of bells ringing softly as the suns warm heat rested on our faces.

Parting we pressed our foreheads together, "I love you too". He took my hand as we walked to the wedding hall.

The day was filled with love from all angles on there wedding but once night hits there is no rest for the hero's who look after the city in secret.
With there new allies and family they look out for one another for many years to come.

-The End-

Hope you all enjoyed the book~
I know times are hard in ye old 2020-2021.
Giving you a feel good read is the least I can do ❤️.

Come by anytime,
Love forever yours: Author-Dayo.

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