Finders keepers

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My name is (y/n), Im 16 and i just Messed Up Big time.

On a night like any other i was out with my Cousin and we made a bet on who could steal the coolest thing from the Museum.

i had my eye on a Tanto to go with my collection while she had her eye on a Katana.

"We each got ten minutes in get in and out before the system activates and locks us in".

"Ready", i said eager to impress.

"Set", she said with a smirk.

"STOP", someone interrupted us before we could go.

We turned around with weapons out, "Oh great".

"Karai i thought we talked about this", it was the same voice as before.

'thats the turtle i ran into the other day . . . its a good thing my face is covered'.

Karai got playful like a cat teasing a mouse, "Leo~ are you going to stay a goody goody for ever".

She attacked him and he attacked back but it looked more like a dance.

'i should get a head start~', sneaking away i went threw the top and broke the glass to the Tanto and a bonus for Karai.

When i got our new stuff from my free shopping i signaled her and she flattened that turtle boy like a pancake.

"When did you leave (y/n)?", she asked surprised.

"you had him distracted so i thought i would shoot my shot", i said smirking as i passed her the katana.

"HAHAHA~ This is why i love you", she giggled and placed it on her back.

Looking behind us we were being followed, "Karai hes following".

"Want me to deal with him?", she asked.

"No, i haven't gotten a feel for them yet and i want to gain experience".

she nodded and went on a head as i dropped a smoke bomb behind us.

Standing my ground the smoke cleared and he caught up to me taking out his weapon.

'he's pretty cute for a mutant turtle'.

"Give back what you stole", he demanded.

playing fun i crossed my arms, "Well thats rude, i dont even know your name and you Demand things from me~ Even worse saying i stole something".

Taken back from my words he raised an eyebrow, "wa- But I Literally Just Saw You Stealing!".

'hes so fun to mess with'.

"well yes, aren't you going to introduce yourself".

I took out the Tanto, "Leo, you?".

He raised his Katana, "(y/n) nice to meet you".

I bowed and he did to, 'hes very formal when it comes to this'.

We started to fight as he landed the first blow and after a few minutes of studying him i found out his little kinks.

'i think its about time to lose'.

Letting him disarm me i was pinned to the floor, "Ugh!".

"Now Return It", he said still on me.

My eyes and his met as i heard footsteps, "Maybe another time Ocean eyes~".

Shifting his weight to one side i smacked the Katana away and pinned him to the floor placing my half circle shaped hair pin on his wrist holding him in place as i smashed it in deep to the roof.

"Ga- Hey!", he tried taking it out but he was struggling.

"See you later Leo~", i said then threw a smoke bomb on the floor.




She left me Stuck to the roof and just in time for Raph to find me.

"what the heck are you doing", he said looking at my sad state.

"Just get over here and help me!".

He got it off of me and i looked in the direction she went in, 'she was different . .'

"Earth to Romeo", Raph waved his hand in my face.


Raph crossed his arms, "Really? you didn't hear a single thing i said".

"i was-".

"Thinking about the foot princess again", he cut me off.

"No not karai . . . its someone we haven't met before", thinking about her was a mystery.

"Oh No, Your Kink To Bad Girls Ends Here", Raph took me by the belt taking me to the alleyway.

TMNT x Reader Leonardo [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now