A place like home.

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Walking back home from the sea port it was getting darker faster then usual. New York City, My home for the past few months.

I use to live in Japan at the families estate but they saw me improve and thought i should come over from our small island.

My cousin and i have always been close, almost like sisters if i was being honest and i could tell she's been stressed lately. 

My uncle is not the nicest person but he's the closest thing to a father i have. I do my best in everything i do and do what i can to stay relevant in his eyes . . if i don't . . i will be thrown out.

I thought japan was weird but i didn't know How strange New York would be till i landed, "Oh my phone".

Phone call

"Moshi Moshi~".

"where are you Girl?".

"Im going back now".

"Did the deal go well with them".

"Yes, they have agreed to come in a week for the meeting just as planned".

"he will be pleased, Dont linger and come back immediately".

*beep beep beep* 

'wow rude'.

"Not even a 'make it back safe' is that to much to ask?", letting out a sigh i went up the fire escape for faster travel.

Running along the buildings i felt eyes on me from the shadows and they were following me closely.

'Humph~ I would hate to be the fool who thinks they can take me on'.

They wanted to stay in the shadows but trip me up in the prosses by throwing Chains at my feet.

"AH!", i played innocent and stopped while pushing a button on my phone alerting the others of my location.

"w-whos there?! i-i got a weapon so don't mess with me . . .", holding the package to my chest i played stupid for my not so nice guests.

"We dont want to hurt you miss just drop the package and walk away", a clear voice said giving me orders.

"w-what?! i-i cant do that . . t-they will hurt me if i do . .".

"Just take it from her! shes one girl", a rougher voice said.

"Dude she's just scared", a sweeter voice said.

"Don what do you got on this girl?".

"From what i got she's from Japan and has been with the foot for a while as a pick up".

They know more about me then i thought, strange . . there nothing like what the others have told me from the stories.

With a hidden smile i walked to the shadows, "w-who are you? how do you know so much about me when we have never met".

"What do we do".

"I still say we take it".

"but guys thats not-".

"Im Mikey Nice to Meet you~", a cute orange masked turtle came out with a warm smile.

'awww~ i-i mean'.


"hi? hello?", he said trying to figure out my words.

"Huge Turtle . . .",  I said sounding shocked.

Just in time my lyft was here . . i mean back up.

Xever and Bradford came from the shadows smacking the cute little turtle almost off the building its self.

"MIKEY!!", the others came out of the shadows with weapons ready.

"Turtles . .", They rushed to the fight.

'i should go'.

Running and jumping off the building to my local uber.

"Hey!", one of them called.

"she just jumped off", the sweet voice said looking worried.

"Raaaaaa", Bradford gave us space to leave.

I was being held by Baxter as we went back to HQ to deliver the package i got.

"Had Fun (Y/n)", he said annoyed.

"Please, you know I wouldn't have called if it wasn't for a reason", i said back.

"Thats it right?", he said excited.

"yup, all 12 KG of explosive dusted mutagen you asked for".

"why did you say it like that? just say 26 pounds", he said correcting me.

"well sorry~ im use to a different system in Measurements and temperature then you Americans".

"didnt you study everything you needed about this place before coming here".

"Yes but i cant just switch to 37'C then go 100'F in a day you know, its out of habit", i said explaining. 

We reached the the HQ and i was dropped off in my room to rest while Baxter took his 'gift' to the lab where he conducted his creepy experiment's.

"Ugh~ Finally some relaxation time".

I stayed in bed and planned to take a nap but it was interrupted by knocking.

"Who is it- oh . . dont tell me", when i opened the door it was the fish.

"Better run along chiquita or hes going to get mad".

letting out a grown i speed walked my butt to the main thrown room, "i just cant get a break can i".

Entering the room i knelt down.

"(y/n) do you know why i called you", in his deep voice it echoed threw the room like a clear bell.

"No sir i do not", i said in a calm manner.

He got off the thrown making me nervous, "turtles, you ran into them . ".

"Yes sir i did".

"What did you do in the situation and what did you think of them".

He was asking what i used to keep them away and if i knew how to beat them, "i played innocent and acted as a captive who was ordered to bring the package . . as for there skill set i am unsure since it was my first encounter sir".

'i hate doing this . . its like im being tested'.

"You will begin to train with Tiger claw and Bradford   as of today so you can learn of mutants and use it to take down the turtles, Understood".

"Yes, thank you for the opportunity".

"now leave", he excused me and i got out of there.

'this is going to kill me i just know it'. 

TMNT x Reader Leonardo [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now