Mutation Roulette

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Foot steps entered the room I was in forcing me to hide behind some boxes, 'what the heck are they doing'.

A machine started up as she was being injected with something, "AH! LET GO!".

Taking out my sickle sneaking around i took out bots one by one slicing the brains in half, 'i need to get her off of that with out alerting them'.

An alarm went off just as i was about to take down another bot, "Intruder in section V: All Kraang must report to capturing and Eliminating intruder".

the bots in that room left giving me time to get her free, "April, I'ma cut you out".

Cutting her free i looked her over, "you alright? what did they do?".

she rubbed her arm, "i think they just numbed my arm".

The doors opened back and Kraang started shooting at us. Evading there gun fire i used the chain for a vantage point swinging us across the room and up the rail of the second floor over top the Mutagen tanks.

"We need a way out", Looking around there was no doors from out vantage point.

"if either one of us falls we're landing right into that tube of goop", she said looking behind us worried since the space was narrow.

The gun fire stopped below us for a second as more came in and metal clashed against metal. We looked over the rail to see the guys cutting down the Kraang bots.

"GUYS~", we said at the same time looking over the rail.

Sensing someone behind us I took out my weapon deflecting laser bullets, "April you need to stay behind me".

"what! i can fight!", she held her fan in one hand while the other numb.

There was more coming from both sides pushing us to the one door over top all the mutagen tubes, "This is bad! . . . April do you trust me".

"yeah i trust you? what are you planning", she said as i turned to her and was half way off the rail.

"wa-wait!", she panicked and held on to me tightly.

Using my chain i wrapped it around a beam and swung across knocking down a few bots along the way, "Donnie Delivery!".

He looked up and i dropped April, "Gotcha!". He was smiling like a doofus.

"Dudette look out!", i was heading for some not so friendly bots aimed and ready to gun me down.

Letting go of the chain i tumbled and slid underneath them from the momentum i build it, "Not good . .". They fired at me as i avoided the bullets.

Mikey and Leo came to help while Donnie and Raph kept April from getting kidnapped again, "(Y/n) grab on!". Taking the high ground they threw a chain at me and brought me up.

"Now what do we do genius there's no way out from here", i said while looking at Leo.

"Sure there is~ we just have to make one", Giving a signal the boys went on high ground and threw ninja stars at most of the Tanks letting mutagen fill the room and sweeping the bots away falling threw the drains as they gave way to the weight.

"Nice one Dudes", Mikey was cheering when i noticed a shadow behind him.

"MIKEY!", One of there bigger monkey robots was about to smack him and i pulled him away. "Gah!", taking his place i was thrown into the batch of mutagen behind us.

"(Y/N)!!", Leo tried to reach out but the Bot stopped him not giving him time to reach me.

a large splash was heard as i sank to the bottom and felt the burning as it wormed its way inside my body from the semi opened wounds.

'Ugh! i-i cant breathe', not being able to swim from the paralyzing pain.

Struggling as i tried to claw my way out but it was useless as i lost the last of my breath and choked on mutagens as it was filling my lungs.

The boys raced down to the tank I was thrown into and smashed the glass sending mutagen everywhere, "It was that one right?".

"Dudes i see something!", Mikey came running.

"Oh my god . . Is she breathing", April said getting close.

"She better be", Leo picked her up in his arms checking her over, "Donnie clear the table".

Clearing the medical table he placed her on it,"shes not breathing". Leo didn't hesitate to do CPR.

After thirty second's she spit out Mutagen she swallowed finally breathing again, "cough cough . . . ugh w-what happened".

"(Y/N)!", they all called my name.

I felt off and my pain was gone, "my vision was hazy but i was still able to move".

"We need to get out of here", Leo picked me back up as we started running out of the Kraangs hide out.

When we got to a safe place Leo put me down as they looked me over, "h-how do you feel".

My haze was gone, " . . what happened".

Looking up slowly at everyone else, "Dont freak out . . but-".

"YOUR A MUTANT NOW DUDETTE !", Mikey said super loud.

"MIKEY", they all yelled at him.

'mutant . . .mutant? . . .MUTANT!?!?!', i looked at my hands slowly and felt my body.

'that wasn't there before', i had fluffy ears on the top of my head. 'That Was Not There Before', i had a fluffy tail'.

Getting up i jumped into the Alleyway and looked for anything reflective, "come on, come on". I found a half broken mirror and took it out the trash bin.

Placing it against the wall i backed up and saw myself, "oh . .my . .".

'my hair is white . . my skin is white and black . .MY EYES ARE GOLDEN . .', I open my shirt a bit to see if the fur kept going. 'Oh god im a walking fluff ball'.

"(y/n) calm down we can help you with this", Leo said holding my shoulder.

"help . .", i said looking at him.

"yeah, your not alone in this" , he said holding my hand to comfort me.

the shock went away and my fear came to replace it, 'i cant go back to the Foot even if i wanted to . . i cant go home to Japan . . i cant walk in daylight anymore'.

hugging Leo i was shaking, "I . . i cant go back now".

"Back . . you were going to go back to the foot?", he said sounding a bit confused.

I shook my head, "Japan . . my mother's grave is there . . i cant go see her ever again . .".

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