Notice Me!

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Kaname and Karai joined forces to fight having no other option left. To my surprise they worked well together almost too well.

Karai switched her sights on Leo knowing full well he wouldn't go all out against her, 'idiot'.

Kaname went to fight Raph and Donnie hitting there weaker points all the while making my blood boil.

"Raph wait- oh no Don!, come on Leo just get it over with and win already", Mikey looked like a sports fan who's team was losing.

"Mikey we have to do something, I can't just Watch anymore", I said trying to get him to go down there.

"But you can't fight with out a weapon".

"Gah!", we both turned to Raph being smashed against the wall as Kaname jabbed Donnie and took him on next.

"Do you have a shuriken!", Mikey nodded and handed me two.

Taking them quickly I jumped down and just in time. Kaname took out his gun and aimed it at Raph stopping Donnies attack.

"What now? I never miss so try your luck bean stock", he had an ego about him that rubbed me the wrong way.

Clashing metal from one side and still mockery on the other, Kaname looked like he was about to fire but I stood In front of his guns path.

"DONT!", I yelled looking into his eyes begging him to stop.

"(Y/n) . . . Tck", he aimed his gun down furrowing his brow as he looked at Karai then back at me.
"You probably don't remember this but something similar like this happened, I'm warning you for next time my dear bride . . .".

He trailed off not finishing the end of his sentence and disappearing right before our eyes.

Looking around I tried to find him but it's like he just turned into a ghost, "Raph!". Donnie and Mikey went to help him.

"Ugh, I-I'm good", he said as they helped him up.

"You are Not Good, I think you cracked your shell", Donnie looked him over.

"Wouldn't be the first time Don".

I made my way over to him as well, "Raph. . . I'm sorry".

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow, "firstly No, secondly instead of feeling sorry why not help Romeo over there? He's getting his ass handed to him by a girl".

Turning my attention to Leo, Raph was right. Letting out a sigh I took the shurikens and took a deep breath, "don't be scared, she's just one brat . . Who has a knife . . And hates your guts . . Let's do this".

Leo was getting cornered and fast while Karai was enjoying toying with him, "just like old times~ so why not ditch the stray cat and play with me instead".

"Because I'm a cat person", Leo blocked her attackes but a gun was heard not to far from him.

Reacting fast he low sweep Karai's leg and blocks the bullets, "you again".

"I didn't enjoy our fight so let's try again", Kaname was observing them till now.

"Humph, keep throwing your bullets my way! I can deflect them with ease", Leo said holding up his katanas.

"You can, but can she?", he aimed his gun at Karai and fired at her leg grazing it.

"AGHH! W-WHAT THE HELL!!", she screamed in pain only making me run faster.

"Karai", Leo and I said out of worry.

"Oh great, (y/n) just go away", she hissed at me.

"This little- You Just Got Shot You Ass! Let Me Help!", I yelled at her which was a first for me and her.

She looked at me stunned since I've never talked that way to her. I helped her along  behind the buildings for safety. "You may not like me but I still worry for you, you were my family at one point you ungrateful brat".

That was my last words to her before I left to help Leo. "Why did you shoot her! Aren't you guys allies?!".

"I only care about one person and You're In My Way", bullets went flying all over not giving me an opening.

"You know, I've always wondered why my darling (Y/n) would choose someone like you over me", he said with a smirk.

"Maybe she sees threw your BS", he said getting closer with every deflect.

"She always loved reptiles when we were little~ your just reminding her of her pets we use to feed in the pond".

This ticked Leo off and threw an egg on the floor making Kaname put the gun back and took out a knife.

I had trouble seeing and didn't even have a chance to intervene, 'I want to help but I don't have a single opening'.

Then it hit me, 'wait . . If Kaname wanted to he could have taken all of us out or even knocked me out when he had the chance . . . Oh no!'.

"He's buying time", I gave no fucks and went into there fight weather I got hurt or not.

Leo attacked Kaname in close combat and they were on eachother like cats n dogs, 'if I call out Leo he could get hurt'.

"KANAME! Stop please!", I said trying to get his attention.

'I can't lose face here if I can't save myself then I have to save these dummies at least'.

"Sorry darling but I'm busy shelling this freak", he said winking at me.

" DARLING!!, darling this you little!", Leo kicked him to the wall.

"Leo!", I said trying to get him to come to me.

"(Y/n) not now", they both said and went on fighting eachother.

"D-did I just get ignored !?!", I was mad at this point.

'They claim To Love Me YET I GOT IGNORED!', pissed off I threw both shurikens at each boy grazing there faces.

They stopped fighting to look at me with wide eyes.

"(Y/N)!?! What was that for", they both said looking frightened seeing as it was really close to there eyes.

"FIGURE IT OUT ASS HOLES! IM GOING TO FIND MY OWN WAY OF FREEDOM!", I walked away from them and went to the others.

"You Made Her Mad You Scum Bag!", Leo said going after me.

"EXCUSE ME!?! She Aimed At You First You Fucking Pet", Kaname said back as they chased after me.

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