Imperfectly perfect

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My last few days as The Foot Clans property was nothing but classes and reviews on what to do to 'Appease The Client'.

my mind had been feeling fuzzy and all I could do was wish and pray for Leo to save me . . For a grand rescue party to save me from my living nightmare.

I was in a numbness feeling sick from visiting the Kraang, 'someone . . Save me. . . Please'.

Each night I was sent to the cell till there scheduled appointment for the 'delivery'.

". . . /n)- . . . (Y/n)!", someone was calling me.

"Man she looks awful, are you sure they fixed her?", Baxter was with Tigerclaw.

"That is what the child told me- . . .", he paused and opened the cell.

Grabbing hold of my chains he pulled me to him taking a closer look at my face, "Baxter run tests on her and find what's wrong".

"W-what?! What do you mean?!", he looked at me and realized what he meant.

They took me out of my cell and Tigerclaw sent word to Shredder.

'Is something wrong with me . . .'

He strapped me to a table and took my blood doing some nerdy crap I wasn't to focused on in the moment.

What I was focused on was the talking that turned into shouting the closer it got to the room, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE LOOKS UNWELL!".

Shredder came in with a rage filled voice startling  Baxter who tried not to fumble the blood, "M-master Sh-".

"Save it stockmen, tell me how my one ticket to taking over my top providers company is 'in poor condition'', he said the last part colder then usual and took a look at me closely confirming Tigerclaw's statement.

"Ah- well she seems to be taking the Kraangs 'testing' badly . . She's sick and it's . . It's life threatening to say the least . . I-I'm trying to fix her as best as I can b-but I don't know the pin point problem and-".

Shredder broke the table near him and pulled him closely, "enough babbling and Fix Her Or Your Dead".

He made his way out but before that he called for guards to watch me, "I thought I was going to be stabbed on the spot".

Baxter let out a long sigh and kept an eye on me with Tigerclaw in the room as security.

It felt like hours had gone by at the point when my sick heavy feeling of numbness subsided and my  ears perked up, 'what was that sound?'.

I looked around a bit but to my surprise no one heard it but me and it was alarming to say the least.

Footsteps were shuffling around and it was so faint, 'it's almost hard to miss but that's definitely footsteps . . How am I able to hear that?'.

Closing my eyes for a better listen it was almost like I could pinpoint it exactly, "Hey? What's wrong this time?".

Baxter came over taking my temperature again and checking my health for the fifth time, "you seem alright, Tigerclaw she's lacking sleep so put her in the glass prison over there".

"Why didn't we put her there to begin with".

"I needed her close by to my system, I don't have an extender that long", he said taking off the restraints and sitting me up.

Placing me in the glass cell I was under strict surveillance for the next 24 hours.




When I woke up the next day I felt good like better then good, 'what's going on with me'.

My body felt lighter and my mine was cleared, I looked in the reflection of the glass and noticed my eyes were gold like when I was mutated.

I blinked a few times and the color went back to normal making my suspicions true, 'they didn't fix me . . They made me stronger'.

Tapping on the glass Baxter jolted up looking at me with relief, "Oh thank god you didn't die~ if you died I would have been next".

He called Tigerclaw and the others to see if what he said was true, "wow so she's not dead".

"Aw, here I was ready to take your room and changing it to a work out room for us", Bradford said throwing away his layout plans.

"I already reported this to the master but he wanted me to put this on her for 'optimal behavioral correction' for our guests tomorrow", he came I to the room and placed a black thin velvet choker with a blue tear drop jewel.

"Is this?", I hesitated.

"A shock collar", he finished my thought. He tugged it pulling me forward, "let's not have any more disobedience little kitten".

I was allowed to walk freely with guards . . . not the robots but actual Mutant guards.

They took me to the throne room and introduced me to two new members, "Till our contract is sealed you will be guarded by Anton zeck and Ivan steranko".

Shredder had a remote and turned the dial to Max making me nervous, "unless we want a repeat of when you went missing I suggest you behave till then my little niece".

A shiver went down my back, "y-yes uncle . . As you wish".

My response was automatic and my body moved out of habit, 'I grew up conditioned like this so my obedience to that man was like second nature . . . I hate it'.

When i was sent to leave a very large rhinoceros mutant and a warthog stood either side of me.

"Hey there kitty cat, big man said we have to keep an eye on you", he said fixing his mohawk.

"Do not make mistake and you will not be harmed, simple yes? Just follow orders and we won't have problems", he said in a thick accent.

'Once I get out of here I'm so burning this place down'.

They escorted me to my new room that had no windows or vents and in the center of the buildings new security wing, "man you must have made a mess for them to build this so quick? What did you do anyways".

With a darkened expression I gave him a glance, "I was almost killed . . So I ran away".

"O-oh so it's to keep you in and everyone out . . Got it", he said awkwardly.

TMNT x Reader Leonardo [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now