The Darkness Lingers

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Bradford coming to sees Xever with out legs and Tiger claw on the floor passed out.

Rubbing his head he send the Foot bots to carry the idiots in the van and brought them back to HQ.

Where awaited a not so happy Boss who was impatiently awaiting the news of there efforts.

"Why did you bring back a crippled Fish and a Comatose kitten", Karai said glaring at Bradford.

Shredder who was just listening waiting for his latest excuse, "do tell me why".

"T-the turtles came to assist there weakling friends but there was one that we didn't expect sir", he said kneeling.

"One you didn't expect? There's just four of them and two weak humans!", Karai hissed.

He shook his head, "no they have some one new and there skilled, I didn't see there face but the fighting seemed familiar".

Karai Perked up and thought of the possibility of it being (Y/n) but shook it off, "familiar how".

"She had that powder we made to stop a large bear not to mention they injected Tiger claw with a paralyzing serum", he said raising his head a bit an shredders gaze was more then overwhelming.

"Someone with Familiar fighting skills and is in Possession of my products", he got off his chair and came down looming over Karai.

"F-father?", Karai looked at him only to receive a slap across the face. "Gah!", she stayed still for a second from the shock then held her cheek.

"Not only did you mutilate one of the most important pawns to my plan but you thrusted her into Enemy Hands!", his rage echoed threw the building.

Karai knelt down lowering her head, "forgive me father but it wasn't my Intension to-".

"Then tell me child what was your Intension? Kill her off yourself or let her bleed out so she was not of use to me", he said coldly not worried for her being but survival.

"No, I-I will find her and bring her back I promise!", she said as her forehead touched the floor.

"You will bring her back so the deal can go smoothly weather she comes willingly or Not", he sent them out of the room but before they could leave he said one last thing. "You will take Tiger claw once he's well so you do not Fail me again".

The door shut leaving Karai pissed beyond belief.

"You angry because daddy's little girl is now second best", Bradford chuckled as we went down the hall.

"Please, he never cared for (Y/n) till Mr. Akuma took an interest in her", she said bitterly.

"Hahaha, That old man has a thing for young girls? Thought the old creep was married", Bradford took a kick out of it and laughed.

"No he took interest for his son, the man's to devoted to his wife to think about other women let alone a minor", Karai said as a matter of fact.

"Didn't the Old broad have some kind of sickness?", he said as they switched hallways.

"Yeah and that's where (Y/n) comes In to play", opening the door to Baxter's lab they saw a mess of papers and other things.

"What, the old geezer wants his son to have kids or something?", he said jokingly.

Karai looked him dead in the eyes, "yes, he wants an heir to be established before he passes and to be fair he's getting to old".

"You guys talking about (y/n)'s 'engagement' again? You know she's one hell of a fighter but I don't think she would be a good mother", Baxter said injecting Tiger claw with the antidote.

Xever chimes in, "she was raised to kill last time I checked, If they didn't want her I sure would have had her myself . . If I didn't look like this!".

"she's not into seafood~ especially if it delivers its self", Karai said pushing him slightly making him lose balance and fall.

Tiger claw was able to move but it would take time for it to wear off completely, "when I get my hands on the little vixen that did this to me . .".

"S-so the person that did this was female?", Baxter said checking him over.

"I remember the scent, she smelled of feline and the lavender flowers with a hint of Sakura with a strong scent of those turtles", he said clenching his shirt.

"You can smell all that from your shirt? You must really need a shower", she said with a raised eyebrow.

Bradford continued the conversation, "speaking of which you're on a mission with the brat, you are to bring (Y/n) back".

"The child she almost killed out of pettiness? She's still alive?", he said looking at Karai.

"Yeah she's Alive! I didn't kill her".

"You almost did", Xever said with a grin.

"Shut up! Anyway I have reason to believe she's with the turtles", with her arms crossed she thought about why.

"What makes you say that", Baxter said applying bandages to Tigerclaw.

"He said she was alive . . Leo . . Then at the docks this was next to my head", she took out the hair pin.

Tiger claw took the hair pin and sniffed it, "humm . . there's a difference in scent but only slightly".

"What are you talking about", She said trying to snatch it back.

Bradford took the pin and gave it a sniff then sniffed Tiger claws shirt, "you're right?! Its almost the same . . . you don't think she".

"that's exactly what i think happened", They looked at each other and nodded.

"okay stop reading eachothers minds and say it".

"T-they think the person who attacked T-tiger claw is (y/n)", Baxter filled her in.

"not just that but she might also be a mutant", Xever finally able to walk came over to the group.

"Not might be, Most definitely is more like it" Tiger claw got off the medical table.

"What?! thats insane . . s-she cant be a mutant! If she is then they Wont want her!", Karai said looking at them with an angry expression.

"Then we'll have to talk to our friends about fixing her", Bradford said chuckling.

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