From me to you

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As we went into the shellrazer I felt uneasy about leaving but it's not like I could hide forever.

'If even one of them sees me with them I'll be killed for sure', I thought as I stepped in but as soon as my eyes saw the inside my worries washed away.

"Wow, this is cool", Donnies ears perked up and started showing me each part of his baby.

"Glad you think so~ here is where I sit and this is the weapons", he explained in detail on how it works and I found it adorable how he can keep talking on n' on about the functionality of it all.

"Alright Don we get it", Raph said shutting him up.

"(Y/n) we can share my seat if you want", Mikey said scooting over a bit for me.

"well-", I was cut off.

"(Y/n), wanna see how this works", Leo said at the driver seat.

"Oh is this what Donnie mentioned earlier? About how it can switch to auto drive", I said walking over to Leo taking hold of the pole next to him.

"At least someone listens", Don said looking annoyed yet happy I payed attention.

"How could I not? This takes a lot of brains", I said complementing him.

He smiled and sat up proudly while Leo showed off his driving skills, "see this? This is how you start it and this tells you if you can fit in certain areas".

"Makes Sense because this is a subway car", I said enjoying the demonstration.

"You know what else would make sense? If we actually started moving", Raph said looking impatient.

We got moving and for a while nothing happened and nothing on the streets seemed off.

Parking the car we went on rooftop patrol and this was when things got serious.

"April come on you can make it", she was stuck on her first building.

I tapped Donnies shoulder and positioned him, "Don't move".

Moving back to April I took her hand and backed up, "your thinking to much~ just trust your body and trust Donnie".

"Donnie? With what?", she said looking lost.

"To catch you if you miss, I know you got this", I held her hand and started running.

"Ah! Wait!", she jumped and I let go of her hand.

"Gotcha!", Donnie said holding her as she made it safely across.

"Jeez! At least let me jump on my own (y/n)", she said pouting.

"If I did that we would have been here for another hour~ Don't think just do", I winked at Don who was a red mess as he cracked a smile and mouthed 'thank you'.

As we walked along Leo picked up on some Kraang near a van with what looked like people tied up in the back.

"Let's move",he said as we went to the car.

Leo and Raph took out the main Bots in the driver seat while Mikey and Don took out the guards leaving April and I to release the people.

"W-who are you?!", they asked panicked.

"The good guys", cutting there ties they ran off one after another.

"This is the last one (y/n)", April said passing a young boy to his mother as they ran off.

We were about to get out of the Van when the doors closed and we were trapped inside.

"HEY!!", Banging on the door the sound of the car starting scared us both.

"DONNIE!! Guys!", April screamed.


"Let them Go! Oofff!", they were fighting and it sounded like it wasn't going well.

Taking out my sickle I cut away at the walls of the van but it was no use, "i cant break threw".

April tried her luck with the door but no good, "door wont budge either".

placing my weapon behind me i tried to steady my breath but the pain creeped in making me Let out my ragged breathing  and sliding down against the van walls as pain found me again.

"Tsk- why me . .", one of my stitches popped and the pain killers I took wore off a while ago.

'This is what I get for lying but I needed to get out of there . . Even if it was just for a bit . . Now look at me', letting out a painful sigh as I stayed here discouraged.

"(Y/n)?! you alright", April stayed next to me.

"Might have popped a stitch", trying to sound alright i smiled at her.

"Nice try but i can tell how much your hurting", she saw right threw me.

The car stopped and the van was opened as they took me out, "easy man I'm hurt".

"Kraang is taking the one known as human girl  to the room of holding to hold for Kraang", they took me in a room and locked me in.

"April O'niel will be taken to the place where Kraang can use secret extraction for the Kraangs secret project", They took April away from me.

"HEY!", i tried to go to her but the door was locked.

"Ugh! (Y/N)!! Let Go Of Me!", April struggled but she couldn't get out of there hold.

Another bot stayed came in the room, "The one known as human girl must be used for mutagen experiment for testing of mutagen", it had  some kind of cylinder.

Not knowing what it was I didn't let it near me, "I'm not letting you touch me with that thing buddy".

Kicking it out of its hand and slicing it to bits with my sickle I walked out the room before it closed on me again.

'I'm lucky I'm able to hide this thing', tucking it away for now I walked to what I thought was where they took April.

When I opened the door it was a room filled with tubes of mutagen and animal pictures on it with April strapped on a table.

". . . This is bad".

TMNT x Reader Leonardo [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now