unexpected turn

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Pissed off I walked to the others in a huff when my ears picked up sounds not to far away, "Donnie . . . we need to go".

Nodding he took a hold of Raph while i went dashing into the shadows, 'there's a lot of footsteps coming out way'.

I could see everyone taking shelter from what ever was coming out way and to my surprise it was the guys we left with the mutant plant.

'There's no way they're the ones making all that stomping i heard. If not them then who- oh god'.

Behind them was a very angry stink weed chasing them while releasing some kind of powder dripping the men who got afflicted like flies.

Covering my face quickly I assumed it was some type of sleeping powder he was dispersing in the air.

There was a buzzing in my pocket star taking me seeing I literally had nothing on me that would buzz.

Checking it quickly it was a turtle shell shaped phone with a lot of cool tiny design that looked hand made, 'when did this get there?'.

Opening it up it was a text from the guys.

D: "make sure you don't breathe that in, meet us on the roof tops".

R: "hurry up! Your boyfriend and 'Husband' are at it again".

Moving fast I went to higher ground, the sight before me was . . . Ridiculously funny to say the least.

"She was mad at you! Green bean monster", Kaname had one hand stretching Leo's mouth while his arm was gripping his shell trying to drag him to the floor.

"Yeah Right. She's Mad At You! Who chases a girl down and acts like there married when she hasn't even given you an answer, News Flash It's A Hard No!", Leo had his hand on his head pushing it away from him with the other on his arm taking his hand off of his mouth.

"Okay boys, Boys! Stop!. We have better things to deal with", going in between them I separated them.

"(Y/n), he started it! Stop copying me!", they both said taking hold of my hand trying to get me to either side.

'This is Not what I expected would ever happen . . . Oh my gosh . . I'm in April's situation', feeling troubled I took a deep breath I turned there wrists and kicked the back of there knees.

"I'm only going to say this once. Knock It Off, if you don't start getting along I'm going to feed you to stink weed", I gave them my threatening look I would give my victims when I did shredders dirty work.

They both Gulped letting go  with a scared smile on there faces, "s-sorry (y/n)".

"W-we can get along", Kaname smiled at me but I let out a sigh going to the others.

"Good for her, able to handle your own against idiots", Raph said ruffling my hair.

"I don't want to alarm anyone but What About Stink Weed", Donnie said pointing out the mutant placing people in pods.

Looking out in the sea of bodies on the floor I noticed a special little tool
On the floor.

"You guys able to dodge? I need cover to get that rod down there".

"What's that for?", Mikey asked.

"If I can get that along with there weapons on there belts I can rewire it to high gear and roast that plant to a crisp".

"Not a bad plan, she's ganna put you out the job Leo", Raph teased.

"Make sure to cover your mouth, we'll keep the heat off (y/n)", Donnie said and with that our plan was set.

We jumped into action swiftly moving along, "d-did we just get left out". Kaname said looking at us from above.

". . . yup", Leo let out a sigh and crossed his arms. "They will be fine. Now mind telling me what your Real motive is for stealing my Girlfriend".

"Girlfriend?!? she actually fell for you?! but your so . . .  green and . . . you're missing fingers", he wiggled his hands.

"Well al least i dont look like a play boy who spends 10k on a Thursday", Leo said back. "Now spill it, i have a good eye for seeing threw someones bull shit".

Kaname let out a slight laugh, "clearly~". He paused and thought about telling the green turtle his plan and if he would be truthful or lie or maybe both. "Shes my freedom . . ."

"what?, I need more detail then that", Leo didnt drop his guard when it came to this guy and stood tall ready to call out his lies.

"you dont know how we lived, she was sheltered but also kept like a shield if things got ugly. Not to mention Shredder  . . . and what he did to her mother . . .", Leos eyes widened as he remembered what (y/n) said happened to her.

"It wasn't an accident was it".

Kaname nodded, "not an accident but he sure as hell made it look like one. Never tell her that got it, i know your not that stupid", he had eyes of someone with good intentions so Leo let it go.

"Got it, but what does that have to do with why you 'need' her", he wanted to get to the root of all of this.

"If i married (Y/n) the Foot clan and Akumas would become one, Meaning i could finally put an end to Shredder and become the biggest organization in Japan and new york and soon the state its self", he said with a serious face.

"Shredder i get but why go so far as the states!? you have power now why not use what you got", Leo said opposed to his plan.

"The power i have is as much as (Y/n) has and thats not much, If  i want to take down the shredder and take down his followers I Need Her. That bastard has connections everywhere so i have to wipe them all out".

Leo and kaname were looking at each other with tense eyes, "then why dont we help you. Taking shredder down was on my to do list anyways". Leo gave a confident grin leaving kaname in shock.

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