Night out

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Ive been in on the couch for a while after that and sulking while eating little pieces of ice cream is what drew the line for them.

"Alright (y/n) you've been a pain in my side for way to long", Raph came over taking ice cream kitty from me.

"HEY! I Was'nt Done With Her!", i said trying to reach of her.

He handed ice cream kitty to Mikey who licked her all the way to the freezer, "You've been sitting here moping like a lost puppy, your a Kunoichi and you're making them look bad".

"SO", i said pouting a bit over my lost snack.

"So your going out with us to let off some steam", He said grabbing my arm and dragging me to the dojo.

"GA! HEY!? Raph, I thought you didnt like me!", i said getting out of his hold.

He looked at me and crossed his arms, "I said i didn't trust you, never said anything about not liking you".

with a lot of doubt i followed him to the dojo where Leo was meditating, "Well thats something you dont see everyday, what are you guys doing?".

"Getting get a weapon", Raph said looking threw the closet of weapons.

"Weapon? shes still recovering", Leo got up and stood next to me.

thinking it over i counted the days ive been here, "Actually from what Donnie told me i should be fine now".

"See shes fine, Hey what weapon did you use before?", he asked while pulling out all kinds of things.

"Sickles with an attachable chain at the end", i said demonstrating with my hand.

Leo thought about it then looked at the shrine, "we only have one but we have to ask Sensai".

When we called him he seemed worried for my well being, "are you sure your ready to go out (y/n)".

"I dont wall over anymore and ive been able to more around more with out any pain", i said bending my legs and stretching.

He hummed while stroking his beard and took down a weapon covered by a black vail with a white symbol on it.

"I made a set of weapons i thought my daughter would have liked but i think this one would suit you best", when he unveiled it i was left in awe at how beautiful the Sickle was.

It was a black metal but had a reflection of blue all over its design with the Hamato symbol on the weapon and chain that came with it.

It looked so elegant yet dangerous as the same time, "This is the most beautiful weapon I've ever seen".

"before i give this to you show me you can wield it, Leonardo", he called for Leo who took out one of his Katanas.

Splinter handed me the Sickle and stood a distance away while the others watched, 'Okay this is happening'.

We both bowed and Splinter started the match, "Hajime!".

We stood our ground as i got a feel for the new weapon and i had to say it was alot easier to use then my old one, "I'll go easy on you since your still hurt".

'excuse me? did he just say GO Easy On Me', an irritated smile cascaded my face as I swong the chain around.

"Thank you So much for going Easy Leo~", the boys felt a chill go down there spine as Splinter had flash backs to the past sending him chills as well.

Leo came at me swinging his Katana with precise motions as i dodged and repelled him with the chain and the back of the Sickle, "You're alot better at this then i thought".

"Thanks~", i said while setting my trap.

We dodges blows and held our own but i have ways of wining they haven't seen, "Sorry (y/n) but i got you".

At the last second before he could pin me down i sent the chain above us on a beam and Leos leg was caught making him go upside down like a little bunny caught in a cage.

"Yame! (y/n) has proven herself in more ways then one", he chuckled in delight.

"Thank you Sensai~", i bowed at the same time letting go of Leo.

"AH! oww . . .", he landed on his back and i loomed over him.

"I dont like it when people go easy on me", I extended my hand to him and he took it.

"Noted", he said rubbing his back and the faintest of red was seen on his face.

"You indeed represent your mother in more ways then one", Splinter said looking haunted.

the boys came around me, "Ive never seen someone fight so calculated before and the execution was amazing!".

"Dudette you have to show me that move when we come back".

"Not before she fights with me, I want a shot at beating you at your own game".

Splinter silenced then, "i have one more gift for you".

He left the room only to come back with a box, "what is that?".

"its a Kunoichi outfit to protect you on your outing", It was a black outfit with white and blue on the sides outlining the stitching.

"t-this is . . you already gave me so much i-i", he cut me off.

"You dont have anything else to wear so do not refuse, its a gift so please take it", not wanting to fight him on it i took it and went to change.

When i was with the foot my hair was always tied in a tight bun to stop it from getting in my way but since i was going to be with them and possibly being on there side . . a new look was in order.

Putting my hair in a high ponytail and leaving my bangs out i placed a dark blue ribbon in my hair that came with the outfit.

It was a long sleeve and my boots went well with it, "i might get recognized".

Putting a bit of traditional makeup on i was ready. The boys were waiting on me along with April, "Finally could you take any long- uh . . ".

"Raph? whats up-", Leo went quiet as soon as he saw me.

"Oh MY Gouda~ you look so cooolll", Mikey said circling me.

"Wow you went all out to hide your face, like the traditional touch", Donnie said admiring my skilled and steady hand.

"Thats amazing~ Oh when i become a Kunoichi Do Mine!", April took a closer look and even took pictures.

I still felt Leo gawking at me with his mouth a little open, "If you leave your mouth open you'll catch a fly dear Leader~". I tapped his chin as i walked passed him.

He closed his mouth and followed me out as we loaded up into the Shellrazor.

'Tonight's going to be interesting~'.

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